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‘- , ' 5 TS1" O"' vA\ : >U • J. *.L- » .'-fj;. -it 4 - y-S, . 2 -■ v^/,i '._ j^J, ; .'. frJ v . . . 

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S^parttiunt of Justus, 

Surras; of JnofeligaKim. 

Oklahoma City, Okla., 

• November ‘. 

1 $ S 3. 

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bureau »* iHf£*Tit«it||^2^a:;.. 


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M Bureau of Investigation, 

ytmpnt of Justice, 

VA&i&pn, D. C. A'; 


■• AT2ESTI01I - : 


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r 0. fc. Ho. 7060. 

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PR •-* 

M^l.netruo.tlona from you, on Septeznfcer 29, 1923 exigent' ■ 

^r»ias ; ;was. imployed as Special Employe, for sixty days, .to'v-*' Wmf : - ' 
jiyestigate the atove entitled matter. , ' 

e the atove entitled matter. 

It .as also requested at that time that Agent Barkhausen 

E«£7* r of floe he assigned to assist him in this investiga- 
‘ 3i^^^ ? ‘ felon *‘ i i* resulted that AgenttyBarkhausen .as going to he in 
y Grand Jury and court in a few days, and it seemed not worth '- ■- ^ 
while to have him come for the few days that it might have 

for •• hin> t0 have teen here, so that the matter ot^ S 
3C aSaM |tBKt ifef Age nt Barkhausen come to assist Mr. ffeiss in this in- tf-- ^ ^ 

was. postponed. - . : : 

Mr.Vfeiar wa.s' also under subpoena to a term of the Grand jury '• ''^*1 
AAt Tulsa , to a .term of court at Ardmore, also a term of court , 
%27'WrF ? taw ton, and a term of court at port Scott, Kans.,. which 
(jlpii. have taken up a great deal of his time, so that he has h een.^ 

I 44 ^ r 7 ' ; ahle to date to devote only twenty-one days’ time to the W. 

- 3mitl1 case* While attending court at Tulsa, Ardmore and v% yv./?ly 
46‘*WM' Jiawton , I have assigned other work to him in those towns, which 
'47‘^^.'/fc»8 kept him busy during the entire time, ‘While at Lawton, onx. 

Sreat floods that we had in and. the impossi- . :;v tv', 
49 W & "' ^ of being able to get witnesses to court, almost nothing ^:*v ; 2 
•ij ^' 0a ® f°r a week in the trial of cases in court, but it ' 

i2 51 ’Boeing possible to have Mr. Weiss go to ‘osc-ge County to 
J 52 ^JlLJ^trihh.' this investigation and return. Agent assigned other workM^^S 
' ^vi^j^^VJtawton and Ear t Sill to him f to do while there, awaiting 

^ eases on 'the -dobket. 

‘ -• ' -iMi, 

w • • •• ••■<..•• JS '*• * 





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Mr # So over . 



• 'Wf^V ij 
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I 'knew that Agent Barkhausen was to be at court at Port Scot 
KSns. , and instructed Mr. Weiss to talk to him to asoertaia'^-f •%, i4;: . : 
what ;- the condition of hie work was, and the probability of 
*. .'being at If to assist Mr. Weiss in the Smith case; Hr. Weiss'; ■[£ ($P^r. 
^ now informs me that Agent Barkhausen states that he sill be 
ngaged^n court in a very important automobile theft case - 
|q ' feA^A - JR rn urn Is ® aas® - for *m indof Iziit 0 period of tima. 

4ftifc-not see how it will be possible for him to leave 
;|wrk at.\this time. 

'V; ■ ;«•;•?•• 

■; ; ( - •'«•,• 


y .••••'•! ■■ -f *"V 
vi; ' 

: ■■■'.' LIHJ. . ■■ !» 

,: ... . *- ■ v^^S, •: _^v 
;.•; jpc *f ^^wrs-, t 

* Agent/Burger of the Kansas City office has worked with Mr. 
j^feias on automobile theft cases , and while Mr. Weiss was at 
;^port Soott and' was informed that it would be almost impossible; 
^^:^^at-;Agetit Barkhausen taken away ffom v his work, he spoke to 
■ ;.t is.kIk . * Bur g e r. and also to Agent in Charge 2b ere te in about the 

fi*f Having Aidant 'Rurffer assigned to RSflist Mm in 

p-- -* - v T ^ T— ' — —o — ' U w — - w — 

' investigation, and while it was stated by both of them 3. 
"that their work was very heavy in the Kansas City District, '!;} 
that they would be very willing and very glad to assist this 
office in this assignment, if the Director desired to assign ; 
Agent Burgerto this work. 

x ' 

The sixty-day period of special employment and special as- 
signment of Hr. Weiss expires at the end of business the day 
of November 2 8th. 


a;, iv:.. 


vi*? tv v j 


% A i. 

«»».•*- V** % 'W . ■ 

•J8 f 



y thie connection, I desire to call your attention to yr. ; 
'Welo's'"' report ''on the W. E. Smith case, dated. Hovember 19th, 
in whioh you will note that he has obtained some very valu- 
able information relative to the Annie 3rown and Charlie 
Wkitehorn cases, and he ia now in Osage County, and will re- 
main there until Hovember 28th, following up this investiga- 
tion as rapidly aa possible. 

' S* ' 



It is my opinion that this investigation should proceed as 
expeditiously as possible, and I know of nothing at this 
time which would take Mr. Weiss away from the investigation 
except that he is subpoeaned in court at Chickasha December 
for one case which is a short case, and if reached 
'promptly on the docket would only take one day. There is 
52 - » r no Other term of court in this District, and unless sub- ; v ... 

* * * 4H»%*oosiiad4 outside this state, there would be nothing known tol*tpj£^ 

this time whioh would nr event his continuing unin- ^ 

: 1 

* r 

rruptedly on thie inreetigation, 

A 'VA* % r\.- . 

■*>V- ? 


-v ^ 

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• ; _. - . ^ ■ 

Please let me know before Boveraber 28th what your desires 
taka with respect to this investigation, and if you desire 
continue same, whether or not it meets with your "approval to 

3 M 8 ign\dgdnt‘ Burger to assist Mr. Weiss, and if so, please 
■Ana, tru 9 t£ the Kansas City office^ to assign Agent Burger at 
^e^Neafjp. apt possible date. f ..; 

TSHffi&ii *. * ■ . 

. fc--. 

Very truly yours. 


^aames G. Pindla>, , ( 
iecVal Agent in Charge 

- ' r r ■ , 

“ v '^' 

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n4 4><m 

Dir ®o tor. 

journal to mm maoc at owopnatino 


P%\ tfnv Q in 

• ^ n o<z r 

T. ?. fill 

0 ^ 

V. X. (BILL) aura 

*p 4 other Osage Indian. 

4 « 

: Murder of. 

At Ok la. City, Ok la . 

(0. C. #7060.) 

- ■m«i 

Supplementing a/ pnvini reporwe. 



I ifMrt «o Tara investigations fox iatss shown aa abovs, andpl 

SnSjftfr . •**." S V- 

tbi ffc Hewing plaoes, to-wit: Tulsa, Collinsville , Skiatook, Barns- 


tall, pawhuskm , Pair fax , Ok la. , and Omasa City, lfo. 



KB: MURD3B 0? AM^^paOWB, May 22, 1921 

- Oa for* Hth ±gent interviewed a confidential informant, whoee 
aaamotBa diaoloaad at this time, tut who will be available whenever 

^ ^ — _ . Aa A — ■ — -»■-■*. A ^ A ft ft A ^ <#Tt^ M ft. 

2H99II&I7, vyen w wjo pv juju vx ushii/iiic* 


-> kaant secured information from this confidential Informant in ma- 

t / 

tarial sub stance* aa follows: That about July, 1921, informant was am' 

itll7*A Indiraotly by BBNEM and BRYAfl BUBKHABT to make confidential, in 
▼estimation secure certain svi dense for them in re. the AB11A BROWH 

mi Bml BDBKHABI to make confidential In- 

* «* 

t 3 »r: 



Informant states that 3RYAH and 
XSBB3T BURKHART explained to him that 


their object in having him get this 

j ft^fta af fViA f +.<mc aqq tn msAt 
Or AU 9 UO V cam sum v v* *a*w »*•« " 

^ V^. Q^CLJaA lh> o--*? 



3 Tashington; 3 file. 


Z*. 6 T>y,^ ^b "0 bw» 

tUltEAU or INVCSTICftATKPV L I .1 - f 

NOV 22 1923 T 1 

f r/OV r > -n~- 




Hoover ; f R< 



- 1 - 

i ■** 





1 ; 

1 4 

* < 



f. f. Bill 

Hot* 9-17, 1523. 



probable charges against BRYAN BURKHART for tha murder of ANNIE BROWN 
a a they abated they had laarnad that a number of people had seem BRYAN 
BURKHART with ANNIE BROWN at different places from Fairfax, Okla. 
and hours later than BRYAN BURKHART had previously stated and testified 
he had delivered her to her home in good health, at Fairfax, Okla . in- 
formant called the evidence that the BURKHARTS were wanting him to ee- 
oure an alibi, but the said evidence waa not in the nature of an alibi, 
but waa a building up of evidenoe and testimony to corroborate what 

k- ■ ^ 

O'-*’ ^ 

•w ' S **' , *1 

BRYAN BURKHART would evidently aat up as his defenses if brought to ' - 

trial for the murder of ANNIE BROTH. 

Informant stated that while the BURKHARTS never admitted to him 
that BRYAN BURKHART actually murdered ANNIE BROTH and that in fact 
BRYAN BURKHART denied that he had ±> killed ANNIE BROWN, etlll BETA! 
and ERNEST BURKHART conveyed to him the idea that his duty lay in get- 
ting witnesses who would swear as BRYAN BURKHART wanted them to swear 
in BURKHART'S behalf. 

Informant stated further that he noted that BRYAN BURKHART and 

ERNEST would not disouss this ease or talk it over with him the pre- 

- -'-H 



a nriA * n# unr T tt> TItto VtJ a "D*T* ub 4 a*P Q*P 'DTTOTTU AT>*» qM a ^ efmr n# * 

vj. iUV/AlAi AAi A U v w* JJAW-UU# ur* ±f )jan p ■ *** ***w 


murdered ANNIE BROWN. 

Informant also stated that W. K. or BILL HALE, uncle to the BURK- 
HARTS, steered entirely of the conferences between informant and 
the BURKHARTS, and had nothing to say or do in the matter, * 

Agent deems the following statement by Informant as extremely im- 

* .V 

portant, as it coincides and checks perfectly with all the evidenoe A- 


gent has been able to gather re, this particular oase beforehand; 

Informant stated to Agent that he was informed by BRYAN BURKHART * 

i - 

1 ■ <4 

vr > 

i ’ ♦ 

- y 


* - 1 * , 


Is i 

V* w’ 



I w 

T. J. Weiss* 

IOT. *-!*, 1S23. 



_ X. -ra n\ i t i n m Ti rrrv t«t ■ r\ m • m ^ i -»-» Ol 1 f. I“, T • 

a a fc njususax D jitJVtLaitr ' 3 uvl±v uu mojf ti , i;cxi 

that jUfm BROWH vat Tit i ting thert that 4 ay also, and an unole of 


tha BURKHARTS from Texas named BRIDGES *»b there; t h at / BUH KEART and 
ERNEST BURKHART and AMIS BROWH and some of the others named left 
the BURKHARTS about 6 : 30 p. U. that day; that BRYAH BURKHART stated to 
informant that he t BRYAN BURKHART, drove to Ralston, okla. with ABB IE 
BROWH in the Buiok touring oar Belonging to ERNEST BURKHART: that at 
Ralston, Okla* they stopped a short time and then drove vest to the Bel 
ford ere salng over the Arkansas River, baok to Osage county, and north 

i d 1 A /Vm ^ tbA ^ 4% 


va. A V a« a a 
* V« ULU v U. 09 * 

fflV o A 

^ ^ Vi 4 ft Wftfl JV a 

v wiiAO ivauuv 

a lawsr • vrr nrroTmtis* 

AHIIB BROWH met another party of people , and that thiB party stayeA 
at this roadhouse until about 10 p. if*; that upon leaving the roadhouse 

BRIDGES and BRYAH BURKHART drove in the Buiok oar north until a mile or 
so vest of Burbank and then turned east and vent into Burbank and 
through Burbank two miles to a oorner vhere a roadhouse vas also situa- 
ted, and then another one mile to another roadhouse situated at vbat is 
known as Shotgun Comers* 

That BRYAH BURKHART stated that at this first roadhouse near the 

DelfAi^ TJv* Aewm 1WBT# "DTJOWTSf 

i/W 4AV AW. UA A | Aili> All JJUV 1111 

1»ft T5PVAW TaTTDITUA Prn nr\A vont -fcVi 

A V4p * ATUAA1I Iiun-mipii k II VVi w V A 

other party in the other ear. That when BRYAN BURKHART and his unale, 
BRIDGES, arrived at the Shotgun Corners roadhouse, they found AHHIB 
BROWH and the other jparty also there. 

That BRYAH BURKHART stated that both parties stayed at this Shot- 
gun Corners roadhouse (which was then run by PAUL JOHNS, and whioh will 
be hereinafter referred to as "Johns* roadhouse) until about 1 A. M. ; 
that at 1 A. H* Sunday, May 22j 1^21 ERNEST BURKHART and his unole, 
BRIDGES, took ANHIE BROWH with them intoivERREST BURKHART’S Buick 

■ -4: 

£ * L*f! ft 

V r 

v W i 

'-t • T 

if * 


I -« > 

— ' . v 


f. ». Vilas* 

J|OT • 9-17, 1^23. 

I touring oar and started lack to Fairfax, which is atout seventeen miles* 

! » 

almost tn south., tut * few Biles east of said PAUL JOHNS' roadhouse. j 

that BBXA5 BURKHART stated that a man and woman of the party they had 
met at said roadhouse also left at the same time in a Ford touring oar, 


immediately following BURKHART in the Buick; that xp both cars stopped 
at ths roadhouse zn one aile south of ths PAUL JOHNS Roadhouse, (which 
roadhouse was then run by one USS MORGAN and wife) and got some whiskey 
that Both ears then prooeeded at the same time south and toward Fairfax, 
the Buiek oar with BRIDGES and BRTAJ BURKHART and ABB IB BROWI la 
ths lead, and the Ford touring oar with the other man and woman follow- 
ing* That both ears thus prooeeded along the road until they arrived 
at a point about one mile north of Fairfax, okla. , 'here the road forks 
and one road turns east going toward Pawhuska or Grayhorse, and ths 
other road continues due south into Fairfax. 

That BRYAN BURKHART stated that at the forks of this road he and 
BRIDGES and ANNIE 3 ROWS oontinued south into Fairfax, while the Fore, 

touring ear with the m ap and woman which had been following turned east 
sm the road leading to pawhuska and Gaay horse* 

That BRYAB BURKEuRT stated to him, informant, that he drove on into 
Fairfax at that time , and delivered ABBIB BROWH home safely about 


2:30 A. M. Sunday, May 22d* i 

... That BRYAN BURKH AR T further told him, informant, that he, BURKHART 
drove from Fairfax to home that morning, but did not arrive at home at 
Brayhoree, just three miles from Fairfax, until about daylight (about 
two hours later); f that BRYAN BURKHART further stated that he met a man 
near Grayhorse as he, BURKHART, las going home about daylight that morn- 
ing who recogniied BRYAB. informant states that BRYAB did not give him 




f . F. 

JOT • 9 - 1 T, 1923 . 

this man *s moo, tut stated that he wee a man who lived near there, and 
who B BYAB knew xk very well, and that BRYAH remarked that he oeuld fix 
that «*« all right, and could depend on him to not say anything about 
seeing him at that time of the morning. 

The shove, it is to be remembered, is the a tatement made by BRYAB 
BUHXHABT to informant* 

The following is what informant states he learned personally by 
hie own investigation covering about a week in July, 1921: 

Informant eta tee that BRYAN BUR KHAR T about July, 1921, drove him, 
informant, from Gray horse to Balaton and from Ralston to the Belford 
Bridge, aoroes the Arkansas Biver, thenoe north a few miles to the 
first roadhouse mentioned above, thence north into Burbank, Okla. , then^S 
easthto the roadhouse then run by LEE MORGAN, thenoe north one mile to 
the roadhouse then run by PAUL JOHNS, thence baok to Fairfax and Grayho^se 


* ! e 

.i. . •-C” 


A X M XU 4 _ X - n 

inxo rmanx e 'caves vnav a dh ahak t am vnis in oraer to 

point out to informant the exact road that BRYAN BURKHART traveled that 
night with BRIDGES and AH JIB BROffB, and to introduce him and ac- 

quint him with the road house keepers who were friendly to BRYAB BURK- 
HART at that time. Informant also states that at Burbank, Okla* BBYAB 
BURKHART introduced him to the woman who BURKHART stated was in the 
party that they met at the PAUL JOHNS Roadhouse about 11 P. M. the 
night of the murder, and Who BRYAN BURKHART also stated was the woman 
that was in the Ford touring oar that accompanied the Buick touring oar 

njirrr tauvo I /*V>nrji 5 A» >» o/>V +j\ ■fchss ffirlrft n-f* A n n i* pi# 

ii v LU r ft. y AJ %J \J uil 4} * vok v M U W <4 wv • wuv w 44 v x v w p 4* v * W44 va 


Informant states that BBYAB BURKHART told him the names of all the 
persons r eferred to above in BRYAN BURKHA RT »S statements, to -wit. 

- ; . * t: 


- -i. * j 

' ?x * * 



T— til 



«- r- *■ T_ 

- M 


' t 


• ^ ! r 


i. r. »»u«. 

If or • 9-1?, 1 &£3. 

tna name or PAUL JUtL.3, am nie, ruaanou»B ice spare, uttfi suau-Aa aow > 
wife, roadhouae keepers, and ths naan of the woman who ms la the Ford 
dar that accompanied the Buick oar baok toward Fairfax that night and 
the name of the man that waa with her, and the name of the whom 
3 BY All BURKHART mat about *x±± daylight the next morning, and whom BURK- 
HART stated he ooul* handle. 

Informant, however, w&a not sure of all of these names except that 

of PAUL JOHNS and. wife, and LBS MOB GAN and wife, but said that the woma4 


who was in the car accompanying/BHYAJS BURKHART - ANNIE BROWN oar that 

^ i * 

\ — _ 

_ J — 

J . %_ A 

nigns xrom PAUL jumtjs noacmouwe «aaK wvsras rairx&x was a meaium neignf 
woman, red hair, good looking, about 28 years old, well built, and 
pleasant - vo io ed . 

Informant states that hs interviewed PAUL JOHNS and that PAUL 
JOHNS stated that on the night in question that red-headed woman and th^ 
man with her, ANN IB BR0N3 and others arrived at PAUL JOHNS’ road- 
house about 10 P. M. in a Ford touring oar; that about forty minutes 
later BRYAN BURKHART and his uncle arrived in a Buiok touring oar, and 
both parties stayed at the plaoe and drank until about 1 A. 1C.; that about 

v if 



i %■» 

i M. M* iJifXAN h uKJLHArt'L’ am Arm us arturfH and BRIDGES got into the 

Buick touring oar and left, going south, and the red-headed woman and 
the got in the Ford touring oar t. and left, going south, at the 
same time , Just following ths Buiok oar with BRYAN and ANNIE and 


Informant states that PAUL JOHNS was very friendly to BRYAN BURK- 
HART, but that PAUL JOHHS fully believed that BRYAN BURKHART had mur- 
dered ANNIE 3R0TN later that night, and that PAUL JOHNS remarked 
t o him, info rma nt, jthat 3 RYAN _ BURKHART made one t ig mistake when bV 

7 ] yf 

u ll 





' - :S 

* '.f 

■ •* » 

» I 

- t 


— J 

' * 




T — (ISS 

Sot • 9-1 T , 1923. 



f, f. 

took. All IB BROfI Into the oar with him In tho presence of so many 

people, and loft with her; that PAUL JOHNS stated that there were 
a muter of other people besides those mentioned, including his wife, 
who saw BRYAN BURKHART Is awe with ANNIE BROWN in his car that night 

informant states that he interviewed LEE MORGAN and wife, and that 

LU MORGAN stated that on the night in question BRYAN BURKHART and an- 
other nan with ANNIE BR0T1 arrived in a Buiok touring etar at his, 

iw la ^ . V/n%. 4 1 1 .an i a# » « J A 1 A A ^ ra ~ _ a a - a 

MLUBlxAM * a ua a;«/ a* Me «lum wai«« i MS u fura uuuriCJ 

oar aooomp anying them with another nan and woman, and that the parties 
did not get out of the oars, but he, LEE MORGAN, brought them some whie 
key to oaoh car, and the party drove on south toward Fairfax. 

Informant stated further that BRYAN BURKHART mentioned the faot 
that MRS* GEO. JAMES and othere had seen him with ANNIE BROWN at 
various times that Saturday wight and Sunday morning , and that BRYAN 
BURKHART was getting thia line of evidence to oombat that evidence on 
the part of a possible prosecution. Informant stated further that BRYAirf 

xrmtruiQfli A -i A nn+ 
jo un ivnM n, a. 

7 Cl "f 71 

Vt mi 

uuv www — " 

A# >)1 a nrml d "Q T3 T Tl flT? Q A ft.flY* f. hH 

W a M4iU WUW * V I ±J f w ^ WW* W I U 

two ears separated just north of Pair fax that morning about 2 A. It., as 
BRYaH BURKHART did not mention where BRIDGES was when this man near 
Grayhorse saw BRYAN BURKHART about day light Just getting in home. 

informant states that ha madfe fur th e-* reports at the time showing 
all the above, including the names in full of all the persons mentioned 

and alluded to, and th&t said reports are not now in his possession, 
but that he oan get them. Agent has arranged with this Informant to 
get his former original reports at the earliest opportunity. 

y hi nvA a yidsno ® is h i ghly important , & 3 it nill 1 3 t 6E©nib 9^63. 


L i 

I — IK 


T. F. Weiss. 

low. 9-1T, 1923, 

that BRYAN BURKHART swore at the inquest of ANNIE BROWN'S murder 
that 1m, BURKHART, returned her to bar homa at Fairfax from her visit 
to hia brother, ERNEST'S, that Saturday, May 21, 1521 at four or 4; 30 
F* u. in tha afternoon, and swore farther that ha had never aeon her 

ainoa • 

Thia line of evidence that Jrtis BURKHARTS en^loyed informant ta aa- 

cure was not sought for by the BURKHARTS until it became generally 


known that JOB MCGUIRE and others had seen BRYAJS BURKHART with All IB 

BBOtH at Ralston, and that soma ot^ar parties had eaan hia with her 
at the roadhouse near Burbank, ^and that MRS. G30 , JAMBS had teen hia 
with AERIE BROWN at Fairfax between two and three A, 1C. Sunday 
morning. May 22d. * 

Informant states that it was quite apparent to him that PAUL JOSHS 
and wife and LBS MORGAN and 'wife and the .other persons inoluding the 

red-headed woman and her esoort that night had all been seen previous- 


ly by tha BURKHARTS and lined up as they were all very friendly and 
•eemedtxto have their stories down pat ready to relate* 

It is Agent’s opinion that BURKHART'S story of this trip from 
Grayhorse back to the fbrk in the road north of Fairfax the next morn- 
ing about 2 A. M* is substantially the truth, but that the further 
facts are that BURKHART did taks ANNIE BROWN to her home in Fair- 
fax after these cars separated, but that the unole BRIDGES was not in 

the car with BRYAN BURKHART and ANNIE BROWN at the time, or at 
least loft them and got in the car with the other party that went into 
Grayhorse, and that BRYAN BURKHART drove alone with ANNIE BROWN in 

his brother ERNEST'S Buiok car from the fork of the road north of 



* — US* 

- S. * 


r. f. Tins. 

Hot. 9-17, 1923. 

Fairfax, and that BRYAN BURKHART and ANNIE BROTH did atop and tali, 
as related by MBS. JAMB ST oloaa to MS 3. JAMBS houss about 2:30 that 

nomlnf aftar which T^BYAJI RTTBETTaRT and 

"O l 


drove to anwtr 

BROWH'S house and got out Just as MRS. JAMBS relates she saw them do, 

and went into ANNIE'S house, but that they stayed in ANNIE'S 


house tut a very short time and left, and drove to the place on the 
road between Fairfax and Grayhoree where ANHIB BR0WH T 3 tody was 
found, and that BRYAH 3URXHART either murdered her at her house that 
morning, or on the road, and placed the body where it was later found, 
or whiah is more likely, wae out of the oar with her and shot her right 
near the spot where her body was found. 

At 1 e&at , ths s. t o v 0 evidence shons posit It sly that BRYAH BURKHAH* 
was with AHHIB 3B015 yixxmtiy act the ijbn practically all the time| 
before and up until at least 2:30 A. M. the next morning, and was the 
last person seen with her when she was alive, and was with her ten 

n he swore at the inquest. 

e nolw trying to locate the persons named by informant. 
PAufr/^OHNS roadhouse was raided and PAUL JOHNS arrested, and made 
[bonA at/pawbuska, Osage County, ftn Oct. iHil His bond was forfeited. 

hours 1 

hi si present whereabouts are unknown, but we are tracing him 


, j 

1921, and raw MORGAN also made bond and forfeited and his present where -I 

TT>g Amp, GAS was arrested Inis place raided and closed in Qctotser 


abouts are unknown, but we are tracing him^— 

It now appears that the red-headed woman to whom informant talked 

and whose name he has forgotten, was either one MAY3ELLE :IAYPIEID or 

f N 

EDITH D^VIS. We are traoing both these women. It was possibly also 

V £ ' , 



\ . 

w ■ ^ -v- F- - 

,) cv 

•v J 

r— lies 



\ p 


T. F« Heist. 

lor* I4f, lttl. 


onw fiOal COCmhAn . and we are a 1 b o tracing her. 

,f» XOT. llth jV'MKRCER, Fairfax, Okla. , was interviewed. la la a 

eh it# man, married to an Oeage Indian woman who Is the MOLLIS MERCER 
heretofore referred to. 

J. MERCER is the man from whom A. W. COMSTOCK has teen receiving 
hie, COMSTOCK'S, information heretofore relating to the alleged knowledge 
by LIANBY CLAR3J0RE and MARY BLACKBIRD in the ease also, so that Agent ia 
getting this direot now , instead of through two or three han&a. j, 
1C51CER stated to Agent that his with la a sister to ROSE L ISLET with 

mAm AM DT)TtW ti rmim A <m 

vfAAvw n n i a [i p jn^n njax 


>A M A • 

And that MARY BLACKBIRD, OS age Indian woman, is also a sister to 
MERCER'S wife. 

MERGER states that all his Information comes to him through his 
wife, who in turn gets if from MARY BLACKBIRD and MANDY CLAKQIQRE and 
ether Osage Indian women; that his wife, however, only tells him enough 


to help him break up, if possible, the relationship between BRYAN BURK- 
SART and ROSE LAS LEY, as they fear if BRYAN BURKHART succeeds in marry- 
ing ROSE LAS LEY he will have her killed to inherit her property, the 
dame as ANNIE BROWN and RITA SMITH were killed. 

3. MERCER stated, however, that his wife does not willingly give 
him all the information she learns from these other fa 11 -blood Osage 8, 
for the reason that she^ does not want them drawn into the ease, and the 

further main reason that they are afraid that if the BURKHARTS and HALES 
j knew that they are talking, they will be killed. MERCER* 3 wife ie a 
j convent raised and eduoated Indian young lady. 

I MERCER states that hie information, in substance, from his wife is 

''} r r, 

T — 111 

V. 1 *' 




T. P. Teiae. 

lov« *-!?, 19E*. 


1 .. .. . . i _ „ . _ _ 

that" about midnight or May 21, i**l BRYAN BURKHART and ANNIE BB0V1 

came to MANDY CLAEHMORE'S house at crayborse in a aar together, and 
BRYAN BURKHART borrowed from HANDY CURBItHE a email oalibered gnu that [• 
belonged to HALL GOODIE, kANDY CUREkCBE’S brother. That MANDY CUBE- 
MOBS atatad that BRYAN BURKHART has never returned this gun, and ffAT/n 

i t. 

GOODS, f” for aoma raason, pro tat ly fear, has never asked for it taak 
- (tha hole in ANNIE BROWN'S head indioated a small caliber gun)* 
r . r-- jinraff a atatad further that hia further information from hi a 

eift la that later that eame night MART BLACKBIRD and MANDY CLARSIORE 
earn BHYAN BURKHART and ANNIE BROWN together at the spot mi are 

ABB IB BROWN'S body was later found, and that MARY BLACKBIRD and UARDT 


CLARBIORB had stated that they were at the place where the murder was 
committed, and knew all about it, but would not tell* 

- J» MERCER atatea that ha has not been able to learn definitely 



ANNIE BROWN just before or just after or at the time that ANNIE 


BROS! mas killed, but that it is one of these three* j, iitrcer atatef 
further that both MARY BLACKBIRD and MAHDY CLABBMORS are very dissolute 

1 t n M r* ITS A m A M 

1 UU*B 1 VUU u 0059 # 

that the Osage 

Indian woman are eery fond of all white man, while the Osage Indian man 

“ j 1 L ’ i. • ^ * ' * 

*r . ■ ti 

are all Tory fond of all white women* 


MERCER states further that these Indian women mentioned talk In 


their own tongue anong themselves, but will not tell or talk such things 
to white people , and that he 1a firmly convinced that the only way to 
make MARY BLACKBIRD and HANDY CLAREMOHE talk is to arrange with the 





T. F. Weiss. 

Hot. 9-12, 1923 


agency and cat their finances off until they come in and tsll the whole } 
truth, or to throw them in jail and keep than there* 

Agent found :. f AHY BLACKBIRD in Fairfax, and after first having MR, 

M. HI CILaRDSQU , Indian farmer, and a very reliable and discreet man of 
long experience and good standing with the Indians, prepare her as well 
as possible, to tell the truth, Agent interviewed her* 

MARY BLACKBIRD Agent found to be a full-blood, fat, rough, low In- 
dian woman, very sullen on this question, but speaking and understanding 
English perfectly. 

MARY 3IACKBIRD took the same attitude from the statement that 
tAMIE FLETCHER did, to-wit: She stated at the outset that she knew ab- 

artli'+fikT tt + n o qV A" + ^Vi 

uw w aw vu u u 

Ck o a 

auo | 


't* a on ci a 

X uw^wnpo 



1 1 /I n ** r» + 4 A 
M u.9 o vxu 

_ ' i 

that she would answer was, "I don't know a thing about it", in a sullen 
and defiant manner, and she would not look Agent in the eye, and plain- 
ly indicated that she was lying. 

Thai only information that Agent was able to get out of MAR Y BLACK- 
BIRD was that she had heard another Osage Indian woman named UYXRT1X 

KIUG of Grayhorse telling some woman that frhe , MYRTLE KMG, had started 
out to go somewhere in her ear before daylight Sunday morning. May 22, 
1921 , and had met ALU IE BROWB and BRYAJ3 BURKHART in a ear. MARY 

BLACKBIRD deolared that she did not learn where this tttng woman had met 
them, whether it was at Fairfax, .Grayhorse or Some other plaoe, and in 
fact olaimed to know nothing further. 

Agent tried for a couple of hours with the assistance of MR. RICE- 
i ARLSOH to get this MARY BLACKBIRD to tell the truth, tut she kept in- 
. Biating that she knew nothing further, but plainly showed that she did. 

» Vx*. — 


t* ¥•!»• 

Jot • 0-17 , 1923. 


Ihese Oeage ^ndiazis for the greater part, are very dissolute and 


pendent people, owing to the faot that their Income is so large from 

oil that they do not work at all. tut spent their time in dissipations 
of all kinds. They are also very independent of any white person, ex- 
cept those with the strings on their money, which of course is due to 
the £aet that the greater part of the white people in Osage County are 
ftamiif and catering to the Indians in order to graft them out of 

ivuij • 

hit arranged with J • M3RCKB to continne his investigation 


IhrougM Ms wife and poet Agent from time to time as Agent sees him. 

It im Agtnt's belief that the only way to make MART BLACKBIRD, mam maw 
PLETCHXH and MANDY CLAR5U0RE or any of these dissolute, stub torn Osage 
Indians falk and tell what they know is to out off their allowance at 
the Agency if possible, and if necessary, throw them in jail whenever 
they get drunk and treat them just as white people would be treated 

Agent interviewed A. W. COMSTOCZ heretofore frequently mentioned, 
but rot absolutely no fur that information fran 'TP . cor.TSTOCF. whlah of 

oourst Is not neosssary now as Agent is dealing directly with the per- 
sons from whom COSE TOOK was getting his information. 

Agent spent oonsiderable time driving to different points surround- 
ing pawhueka in endeavors to looate PilJL JOHNS, et ala, in this oase. 

‘ T ^1 M 

9 ■ ■ ■ 

.'•V— ■ 


: — 

On bov. 17th Agent located and interviewed MISS PRANCINAS BURDETT. 
who Is now living with MRS. JOHN BENSON at 806 E. 10th St., Pawhuska , Okl 
MRS* JOHN BENSON is a white woman, married to an Osage Indian, who 

| Is said to 

now be in the Bavy, and the BENSON WOMAN and FRANC INAS BURDETj 

— 1 — 7 — uee 

/: </. 




• * 



f. f . Tales. 

Bet* f-lV, Vst* 

FBAHCIMS BURJ2BTT talked freely tp A- 

*'*T'er :r* — * 

gent with prao tie ally no prompting, and her a tatement In material nk*' 

at.Ami 1 a ftfl full r»A* 

f«t 1 r»a. 

That some time in the spring or summer of 19£1 she eas living at 
Hominy t Okla* and playing the piano at pioture shows there; that she 

ethers, living at Hominy. Shat COPPBRPIBLD and H0KD3HS are ftall-tlAoC 

'•age Indians, " 

That about 9; If to 9:30 p. X* one night in the spring or summer or 

1S21 she oame direotly home from the theater where she pas playing. 

the little one-roomed house she 

had rented in the rear of HISS 

joins house at Hominy. and having done a washing that day and being ver 

tired, had disrobed and had donned her nightgown immediately. That ah# 
then heard someone kmx breathing very heavily and loudly outside her In- 
door about 9:30 p. X* and opening the door, found LOUIS^O^SpiBia) lyyj 
ing on her front poroh, or against it. Shat LOUIS COPPBHPIEQ) was vary 

■drunk and mumbling; that she wsnt to him and helped him up and tha$ she 


: .'W ^ ' 

saw that his ooat was off and his shirt sleeves ware torn and his shirt 
Has torn in other places. That his shirt on the breatt and arms' was 
eovered with blood. That she took him into her house and tried to. feed 
Mm a raw egg to sober him, but he was so drunk that he dropped the egg 
on the floor. That she then thought to give him some fresh milk, which 

• r* m 


she did, and that the then prooeeded to tell her of a terrible fight 

• - . .p**., r. 1 

he and LOUIS HOKDSHB had had in a field that night with some other In- 
dians. That COPPBRPIBLD kept glanoing at the blood on his person and 

• ; ' -,h 

shuddering, and repeating what a terrible fight it had been. That ah# ■ 

->■ ■> v ‘ =•> - u*. 



i * 

!' also no tin ad; that ha had ait bar in his hand or had gotten it oat of hit 

' f 

ppggy^au opsn poo hat knife with a rathar long b Lada, and that thia 
knifa and b lade vara all covered with blood. 

That COPFBREIEID told her that a tig touch, including himself azd 
LOUIS JIOKDSEE, Lad teen drinking at wynona, Ok la. that evening, and had 
gone to a field vhere they all had a fight, and that ha told her that 




LOT IS IOKDSHB, vko vai h mr twee thwart ,th*n, wanted to see hear# 

<Va «4>a4ai) 4kn4> aVa A 4 A wk * Vn. 

grtppTOJTjrTJ Kay 

houss, tat that after a little ha walked off in hia shirt a leaves, and | 
without hia hat, stating that hs had lost hia hat somewhere, hut that ha 
walked off hy himself and that aha positively did not phone his folks 
to oome and get him, and that HRS. JOSES, her landlady, was not home 
that night • 

She stated farther that she sat there in her nightgown on the front 
steps in a sort of tranoe for possibly hours and than want to ted, hut 
that LOUIS HOKOSHB did not oome to see her that night. 

Shat the next day LOUIS HOKOSHB came to see her, and he also told 
her that hs and COPPERPIEID and soma others had all gotten drank on ohoo 
at Vynona the night hef^re, and had gone out and had had a fight. That 
they drove out to a/ fr l e a fr ^ ln some oars where they had another big 

they drove out to a^ fii e a dr/ln some oars where they had another big 
fight; that HOKOSEE stated that they struok COPPERPIELD, and be wanted ^ 

to half COPPEBJIKLD, but that a big fat Indian woman hs had with him ^ 

kept him from getting out of the oar. F~V__ 

j * » x j an m vnTkii a DTmrioAnl «+ D f o ^ ♦ la ♦ .V. 4 a via a. 

- JJJ responee PBOVIUUO, JTIULMU lil&O OUIU/ail bwwwwm. *ta* U-uv in J<v w- • ■ 

itive that nothing was said by COPPEHPIELD or HOKOSEE about anyone hav- 4; 

: ,-M 

ing a gun that night or any shooting having been dons, and that neither I* 
one of vnem Mentioned that an ybody ha d b een killed, and that C OPPUr?PTBLDi 

" -/ /"' n ’ 

t? ' } 

« m 

t - y ' 



*- *♦*»» *■» 

•ffj. f-lf. Is**- 


mii m«ww 4oth ine, CEiSLlS WHITKHORI, hut no 1th or ona of thorn man- 

name or the name of OEAitLIB 1 1* connection with this fight 
ao| ii«ith«r ona indicated in any wj that WHI’fflHOBl was In the bunol^ 
or had teen seen at all that night a 

^P 5 * ’ 

JRABCIHAS BDBDSTT stated that she Is also positive that she did 

5* v 

aat ft sod get ABM BEDDXJl to help her, .fRAHCIBAS. oarry COP^RPISn) 
into the house that night , and that AHA RIBDL8 was not present at ant 


time and did not see COPPBEtfIBIZ) at all that night, and that she, ABBA 
pr ppt^n r did not phona COPES RJIELD ' 3 folks and have them come and get 
him, PRABCIHAS stated farther that shs doss not remember whether this 
was the spring or summer of 1921, but does know that later she heard of 

death, but she cannot remember whether aha heard 

of WHIT BE ORB '3 death two days or* three weeks after C0PPKHFI3UD oama 

to bar house drunk that night a 

v - V*5 - 

Shs states that COPPER?! SB) was ABBA RIDDEB'S sweetheart and LOUIS 
fiOKOSHB her, FRARCIBAS' aweeat heard, and that she, FRAECINAS, has vi- 

i tioof and knows things by intuition, and that when shs hoard of 

a f 

VGITBHORB'S death, shs just knows that he was killed that night by 
C0PFBR7IBLD or someone in the fight, and that she believes that COP- 
•PSRFIBLD killed him with a knife* 1RABCIB1S BURBBTT furnished the 
further information that shs is now staying with MBS* BSUSOH , and that 

sha*' PRABCIHA3, has filed a breach of promise suit against an Indian 


* u 

named. PRY at Pawhuska for $35,000.00 damages; that her lawyers are 
TILUIAB A TILUIAH , at pawhuska. 

Agent made notes of rti&t FRABCIBAS BURBBTT stated, but did not 
get a signed statement from her at the time, as Agent places absolutely 

V'V/ ?r~ 

i C j V 

/ L j s j. 


* / 5 


|v illt 

low. t-lT, 


no '<»nf idenoi whatever in her statement, exoept that perhaps it is trot 
that LOUIS COPPSHFIKLD was drunk in her yard on* night* 

It will te noted tint the first plaoe that CHAS. WKITBEOBH i 

shot between the eyes, and notout or soratofl d or wounded in any other way 
and that his olothes and person tore evidence that there had teen no 

struggle or fight of any kind* It will also te noted that JRABCIHAS 
BUR LETT did not oom* forward with her story atout LOUIS COPPERFIEID 
and his tloody olothss, etc. until months after the ***** WHITISH CEB 
murder, and not until AHNA R EDDIE was suing or threatening to su* LOUSB ^ 

* i. 

COPPKHPIELD in tastardy. It will also te noted that the nigit CHAHtUr^ 
WHIT SHORE disappeared, he was seen as late as nine o'olook in Fawhuskq '* 
while FRANC HAS is sure that it was not more than 9;30 when she saw 

'B nc 


and it is Agent's oonviction that the statement heretofore given as ts 
this LOUIS C0PE3RFIBLD episode ty ABBA RIDDLE EAMMOB is the correct 
version of it. 

However, Agent will interview FBABCIBAS BUKDETT later, after she 
ha* had time to forget what statements she made this time, and get 
another statement from her, and then put the pressure on and make her 
tell the real truth, if possible. 

V S; 

* '• d 

interviewed LUTHER P. HOSIER, heretofore mentioned, and HR, HOSIER 

- • » - 1 

who is a very Intelligent and fairly well educated young Osage Indian, 
assured Agent that his personal knowledge re. the CEAS. WEI 1EBQRH 
murder is: 

That ROY LOCKLIN and wife, EVA LOCKLIN, were gussts of LUTHEH 
HOSIER and wife some months after CEAS. TEX T SHORN was murdered, and] 

]>■ r \ 




* >* 

* - •>;/' 


» t 



» * ' 

5. F.*Teisa. 



Sot* 9-lf, 1923 


i that while thus guests, BOY LOCKLIB, who had teen drinking some, and 
wa« talkative , told LUTH2B MOSIER that he, LOC KLIN , had taken CIA. 3. 
’(VKIT3H0RJ to Pershing with him in his oar the night of Friday, May 
21, 1921 and that he and CHAS. were drinking and that LOC KLIN stated 
further that CEA3. beoane paralysed drank and LOCKLIB brought him 
back from Pershing about 1 A* M. that night and LOC KLIN drive In hie 
oar up to the U IBB IB SAVAGE house, where CEA3. WHI1EH0HB and wife 

^ 4 ^ ae^m w 

Wn rimront) 
■J3.A XAkBA v- 

f4 11 

vi. an 

A i*vi wV Via eafilA m/i 4* 

Agent questioned LUTHER HOSIER olosely as to him haring heard the 


, a z v 

; i 

walk, and that he, LOCKLIB, got MIBBIE SAVAGE to come and help him got 
CEA3. WHIT3H0RI into the house; that LOCKLIB stated further that ho 
and MIBBIE SAVAGE* wkm took WHI Z3HQRB into the house that night, &nffl 
LOCKLIB then drove on home. 

That LOCKLIB indioated his belief that MIBBIE and CARL SAVAGE and 
possibly some of the others had killed WHITEHOBB that night, and 
that at loast MIBBIE 3AVAGE knows all about the murder. 

MOSIER stated further’ that he knows personally that when HATTIE 
UHITEHORB was arrested shortly after the 7/EITEHOHB murder, MIBBIE 
SAVAGE left Pawhuska, and hid for three days, for fear of arrest. 

HOY LOCKLIB was mall carrier between Pawhuska and Pershing at that 
time and LUTHER MOSIER states that after LOCKLIB had left the room, EVA 
LOCKLIB, HOY'S wife, made the statement that ROY LOCKLIB was mistaken 
as to the time that he,brought CHARLIE WH0T2H0RB home, and that the 
real faot was that it was two or three nights before this Friday night 
that CHARLIE NHITEHORB disappeared. EVA LOCKLIB, however, is a sis- 
ter to MI BN IE SAVAGE, and both £1^' 


i , 4 0 

u v 





•. s 

* >: 


• . x ; r .. * '.ar 

♦ n 

( • * 

BOV. 9-1T, 1923. 


atterneys for HATTIE WHITS HORN and MINNIE and KARL SA.YAGE dieoussing 

ho^n&Sir el lent a had killed CHA3. WHITEHORf - as heretofore rele- 


ted by MR. MATTE SOS to Agent - tut LUTHER MOSIER etatee that MATTESGN 
IS mistaken and that he, M0SI5R, did not hear anything ae definite &a 
that, tut merely heard the attorneys stating that they sere personally 
oonrlneed that MINHIB 3AYAGEK and earl SaYAGB either had ccnunitted the 
murder or knee all ahout it. 

GRIFFIB and ¥. W. YATJGHI and HARGIS and A. ¥. COMSTOCK sere 
mentioned ty HOSIER as teing attorneys to shorn he referred, and MOSIER 
States farther that BRYAS GRIFFIS is now laying up with MIBHIE SAVAGE. 
Agent has heard this from other sources. 

While at Kansas City on the 15th and 16th, made three trips to the 
$tt£ office of JOHB A. GUSIAFSOH, Gloyd Bldg*, Zansas City, Mo. in an 
effort to get the reports that HR. GUSTAFSON had promised Agent Weakley 

in these cases* 

» - 

Agent found MR3. GUSTAFSOB in charge, and she informed Agent that 
her husband is out of town at Fort Smith and that VALTER GRAY and LEAHY 

■ t 

ft MoDOHALD, attorneys at Fawhuaka, had reemployed GU3TAFSOH on these 
eases; that GUSTAFSOH had an under cover man at that time in Pawhuska 
working on the ease, and that GUSTAFSON himself would be in there work- 
ing on the ease sometime the following week* 

r MRS. GUSTAPSOB informed Agent further that LEAHY, MCDONALD and 

GRAY were not representing the relatives or representatives of the de- 
ceased, but were outsiders. She stated further that the reports were 
not in the office at Kansas City, but were with the under oover opera- 
tive then working on the ease for these "outsiders" in osage county. 

A w? . 
. - 


7— nee 

* \ .# > 

t. T. Weiss. 

for. f-l¥, 1983. 

- 20 - 

MRS. GUfTAPSpN stated further that 


reports, written reports* 


had teen furnished in the various eases by GUSTAP30I to A* itZ CDMifOOK 

at pawhuska, and SCOTT MATHIS and WALTER GRAY at Jairfax, tut that «13kJ, 
the reports had never teen written up in full, and thus furnished, tut 
vers in the fora of notes in the offioe; that however these notes would 
do Agent no good, as they would not te understood, tut that she, mm .*- 

GU STAPSON , would have full and complete reports mads of all the reports 

- * 

already tranaorited and also of tbs notes that have never teen reduoeiT 

r- ' 

to report form and mall them to Agent at Okla. City in not more than 
ten days' time. 

Agent is today in receipt of the following letter from MRA.GUSTAySOp 

"just heard from Kansas City regarding your desire to seoure copies of 
reports in the various murder oases, and they have written Mr. Comstook 
Pawhuska, and Mr. Mathis in Fairfax to let you have the originals, or tS 
1st us know and we will have oopies mads for you. * 

Regarding the Fairfax cases, I will be in m a lew a aye . Am on 
a ease down here that will take me a few days, after which I will go to 
Pawhuska. When I am ready to go there I will writs you and shall be 
glad to meet you and go. into this case again. I was disgusted with the 
way the State handled the proposition. If we oould have got some sup* 
port from some of the authorities I feel sure that it oould have been 
worked out. On arrival there I will be glad to furnish you with eom- 
plete report covering our investigation. 

„ * r i r. 

>* A 

M X » X ^ - 

Trussing will do s at isikotOry t I am,” 

W M 1 ^' 

Agent cannot understand why I2AHT and lloDONAU) and GHAT should spend 

I w 

their individual money on this case, if it is a fact, nor why GRAY 


should conoeal this faat from Agent unless as has bean often reported to 
Agent heretofore, HA IE and the BURKHARTS are trying to keep posted as to 


what is being found by tbs investigators in this ease through connec- 
tions with LEAHY, GRAY and MCDONALD and others. 

Agent is informed by JOHN MORAS that one BUB KB , a banker at pawhuskaj 


«!f~ \ j 


j* . r a 

■’ ' v.. \ 1 '■/ 


\ v*" 




f .. 

I r 


offered to pay MR. J'JSTICE, formerly Assistant County Attorney at Paw- 

hwitf^w^fox the Information that had teen secured In re. the Fairfax mur 

ddrs, and it was known that BUBKB#^ was doing this for V. K. HALE. 


* * A U _ V -it ^ * i • A A . 1 - . ^ _ *• 

Agent haa a number of lines out in an effort to locate 

home at Campbell, Texas. 


A Si 

1 .*i& 


numerous A 

persona that will have to te interviewed in these oases* as it ie now 

: m 

over two years and a half since two of the murders were committed, a • a 

3 • 

large number of the neoessary witnesses who were naturally of the trail- A--' 

slant type, have left the country, and have made a number of moves since Js.^j 

* ® 1 

so that it is tedius and slow work to locate them. £ !] 

’ t i 

The uncle of the BURKHARTS named BRIDGES is reported to have his ic* 

* * 1 vi r A 

Vh V| * 

-r.-' . 


r & 1 • 

- i 

^ n •- > 


\ ’ 7 

t ;• 

j' n+;J2me A TVfi , * ^ a j. K t " _ ’> -wJbf • \ ikV- J v ' t* ■ -v-w> \wt\ i ‘ '-^‘^■' fc - Vif> i * < v,— l-f 2ktjL* ’it'rlM i i * i, 3\* r - jfe H_ h i ^u *V j 

j vx ^%.„ e : - v , 

'. HR *. • ' * •‘•i i ; 

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'9-27- - 

# f ^ v * 4 - • . 

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„ dr 4 . * 


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-< • m 

-> \ ; : 

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• : \t : _ 


iMBNirlft .*• Bark** , ■ - ,-J? ■ 

toadC|«lo&#r of Indian Afftln,^ . 
l^fBwnVy. ^h» Intariar* 

*?.;*. ■ ?- "“- - v *?. v- V>; ' 

■*■' VV* 

* .. * J*j J * ** • IN*' tf .," 7 S 

-*' **./•• ‘ ** •■ • .. •• i.vt 

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S 5 




'W*.* • 

Mr Sir 

i ' %4iyfe- 

, ■ w , v 0>^« ♦ ....', 

■ *• ■ 
* ■ C 

! ,-'V-\ 

J j ’.^ ... ‘ l .. f . ‘ ''••*•. %’ ft 

• /• ■-.??'!'>: V 

| j'?^>|t- ifttlrtlier «rlth regard t* th» aur^r 'efT, E, (BIU. 

"•■ :• * • ' • • ••• ';• ,: 

IfijMCMW*- *th*»r Ce*ge Indian* # X ma tr*n£ sitting hcr«^14JI 

’ :,, /Vv 

f-', "■■ 

■- , " < 4 * , .*-‘- ■'-;•■ 


r ^-'. ., -.- 

,- ■ V,f ? ' V ••■ .o .' v •; •;. * % s . 

**|Q(y r tf? raport d«tod nowuil>*F X$ # 1923 f Ijnj* by A^or.t W*is* 

t j? r : 4'- V •' -. "*v ... '• ■••■' ’■•; . - ' : 

«f oar Oklahaaa City offlfl«. v ? 

4 ^. f ' vr +- ■*'+*• ' 

•’ . h * L^r . 

»*?£*» . <■<. -'.;• ••’'•?* • • 

•*>/’* V, • t • - t ■* 

Vary truly y*ur», 

; A- . *v&* - 

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P- *’ ' ' ;• ' ■• •• -v' "’-> 4 - . V- v '^, 




■**?%**+' ***-*?■ *ip 

Journal To bc made at originating 





liov. 30, ES'liov. 20 to 3D 


n t \ 

x • JC • 

.. •tpw?': •■ 

iss . 

* A- 

¥. B. TbULI SMITE and other Osage Indians 

*V Murder 


it Tulsa, Skiatook,' Bamsdall, Hominy, Wyno 

Gre^phorse, Balaton, Fairfax ana B 

- J - 

Beferring to previous reports, 


* ‘ jj}0 

i , ¥ M f l Ri i*i'' l 'i lt i‘ * «• • • ♦**£?»?* -'<• — « 

k •" - y «-* 

*V .TV’.'?*. * 




7 It - . 





Y K" 



VUW t 

• $; v* 


Fairfax, But finds oontradietory Information 
that said alleged keeper was one ebb \y*&- 

jal. VX-T ^ 


f -A ; 




D r C * • 4 


* 1 

y police at Hominy, state | «own»Tfc 

hcxa •^Y]yf, 

•>. . V «' 



yV ■ 


that I>S PS33W0SIH is now reported, to be moonshining on the Arkaneae 
River,* fifteen or twenty miles west of Hominy. Agent's investigation, 

‘ f ^ ; Jj 

\ 7* 

r* °‘pe 


howef&;*at Fairfax and In the vicinity of Before Crossing, indicated 
that 0E3SW0RIH is not the man who ran the alleged roadhouse ^ 
there was in faot no roadhouse there, tut there were a number of people 




In that vioinity bootlegging whiskey at that time. 

interviewed MISS LAYRELLE MAYFIELD SWIFT at Bigleart, Okla. She 

states that^ she was arrested at„ Burbank* Qkla. e| the roadhouse .two ^ 

; - ■ V ■"'•'>• ‘ 7 V -7?.^. v , I 1 

miles east of Burbank on dot. 9, ISB1; that at the same time she was &r- 

rested, one ROSS COCERAE was also arrests! at the earns place; that ROSE 


was then living with LEE HODGES i’ wkb ^fae running the VoaflKohei* 

at that time, and that LS5 HODGES and BOSS COCHRAL are now »aid_tahe 

1 1 r vi ' v - • i - ^ ^ 

■' y+y vp* “-* ■. . * ■‘r. , -•••._ s, 

** A 1 <? ** * ^ rv «- + rrv * » V o rtVI d « V. nr a ‘OrsTV'T'O ^ o nwnl r\'^rO tV* 

IjUOl 1 4.0 u OdiU. 4.4. V J. L4.£, 4A W IU. 4* W * I W *.* v» x; V-' AAJAJ.J -•*« va..^ w % » w*- w 

«T. . .,c^ r~ , 

Gardner cr Rcxanna petroleum Co. 

MAY3ELLE MAYFIELD SWIFT states, howefer, thbt LEE EODGES was not 

^^mnnlng this roadhouse in May, 1S21 - shen the aurder occurred," tut that 

-.-p*'. ■ ■ 

bne^TaSE K03GAH statted eaid roadhouse and raa it for several todwthe, a r 

_ . k * 

t^fi^jsold out to LSB HODGES - it is evidently SEE MOBGAJf that was run- 
ning the roadhouse on Lay 21 and 22, 1921, the date of the murder, ana 

v ■+ , * ■-»••■'" V*' , 

f^' V 

i,gent f s oonfindettttdl informant at ate e that he i'a pee&tive thal^jCl «as 

U5S MORGAN to whom he talked at said roadhouse in July, 1921, and who 
told him that he, said USE^^RGAH » positively saw BRYAL^URKHAHf . 

ANNA BROWS in" a Buick oar about 1:30 A. M. May 22, 1921, and that iEF 

Mnrtft jy ^rtiier stated that eaid people did not get out of the 
that^fce, MORGAU, sold them some whiskey in a pop bottle. 


IEE MORGAH'S present whereabouts are unknown, but he las a wife as 

: t- ... ■ 

--.*4 ' r ’’ ' •" •’ «*-*. 

whs is said to now be running a oafs or joint of some kind at Three 

i K : . - 

\ ’ - 

\ ’ x 



•<. * 

■ • % *£X T ]■'■ ^ - 

T. p. we is 8. 

Nov, £0-30 , 1923. 

- V,, * C ' ^ 

-, < 

; ; a ■> ‘ ^ 


V". v 

1 Sands or lonkawa, and t-AYBBLUS MAYFIELD SWIFT states that thiSTffRs. 


HOH GAB fge ne r a 1 1 y knoivs where her husband is. U&YBELLE also st|ij|68 that , 
ISE MORGAN has a grown son called "SHORTY" who is generally withLBB 

' c i.iW- 1 


I ,Av< 5* 

•*• vt,-.> — 

MAYB3LLB stated further that ehe was at Burbank but one time in her 

life, which was In October. 1921, and that she was there bat 

■ ^ , 

when she was arrested, and she has -not been back since. That ,«he was 
ver auestioned by anyone regarding the ANNA BROWN mur 

^ "* ’7*W ■* ' ■ . : - ■- 1 4 ' ' ■ \ -.*V^ » •’> 

not around in that section in Hay, 19E1. ICAYBBXXS answers tht 

* ' ' 

ti on given by PIKB of the woman who was said to have been in th# 


15 T 5 V 4 W ■DTTDTnJATJP AMHA DThMTV mow ml ffVti ___ 

wio n A l&a j3UA<p>n4vrv x jjximvxi *■*«•£> j-l* w*. 

oept that she is only about twenty years old instead of forty* It ap- 
pears certain that she is not that woman. 

MAYBE LIB MAYFIELD SWIFT states further that she never heart 4f PATTI* 


JOHNS and did not know who ran the roadhouse northeast of Buibank_ij| 


May, 1921 or at any other time. 

, •„ 1 

Interviewet DICE KONSWORfH, Indian Police, JOHN HEI3& 

3 T JZ2 1 , Prohibition Officers, BG3 C0OIEB and JIFF CARNAGSY, 

Hominy, and a number of people at RalBton and in the neighborhood sf the 
Belford Crossing, but could find no trace of any roadhouse 

'V*M k -,C -- 

ANITA 330 WN the night of the murder, to -wit , fkuj^&ray - 

run at that plaoe in May, 1921 or at any time. 

On Nov. £34 Agent drove over the route which BRYAN BURKHART states 

he took with 

horse” to Ralston, okla., about seven miles; from Ralston west 


- I 

Bridge crossing, eiz miles more; from Belford Crossing north 

pone t -Fair fax road, four miles more; from the said road to Bn 


, ' • » --iy* 

the D5E MORGAN roadhouse, eighteen miles more; thence north tt 

/? C\ Y.\. 



• ^ S'*' 


* & 

- ". T\ 

T. P. WeiBS. 


Rov. SO-SO, 

jqtt-s roadhouse, on© mile more, thence aouth to Fairfax, ton mile s* 

.-.. . ■’* ?»>»*.'. . - <-•...’' is. JT VJ»- - ** 

,.W "|-* v i' ” . '* * , i •' "XL "V 

^Jsnt has made a plat of this road or route, and sane will oe 

1- ' ,-tC~ -—■ 

able;!# nssded for trial. 

+■ * .• • «- 

• Agent 'efteo ' inquired at Burbank under ooTerj-for information a* 

road’ ' ** ' * v - 

the names of the parties running Said keys ah o use at that time near Bur- 

V n««V V >rf d*VAllt OTtA AAfllk 

tf CUM-i V UV VA Wl*v»w ^ 

.. -avv^- ~ '[T^rniftan 

,lT. ' tV 


Agent inquired of the ferryman at Belford fjrpeeing, who has 
twelve £$j|£{B (US 04 *»• •*?%!Us 

1 a^ roadhouse In ‘that "Boot ion during that time.' This ferryman hlmael 

> -r. **T 

1 hhwevsr _ la reputed to he a moonshiner* *** probable that tha 

. . , . ^ ■ “> v - * * • »h 

1 pi toe ahera BRTAH BURKHART and Alii IfiOlH . - got tbs ir whiskey that] 

night was not a roadhouse, tut a moonshiner* a joint, and it will he 
difficult if not impossible tc get any of them to admit that they sp 

r *'v. 

whiskey that night or ea^ 3?.iAh BTJRXEART and AflHA BR01E. 

Said ferryman, however, stated that there la a man named LS& PH- 

4~V L 


> ■+ - 


who is a carpenter and lives in Pawhuoka aha lived la that a 

, V — . , .., " ■ ... * >•;• • • • *■-• 

*&****/*■ v -^;^^ , ;pgsp .- » y>. . • ■ , 

J at that time, and that PXILSY might know 6 oma thlflg jfCb out It . „ . P 

v*. . ■ /< 

I «iU )i lnt«rTle*ed« — ^ — t?.***^ 

-' rjf 

^ -f ■ 

At Ralston, Okla. interviewed 9. H. HHDGR3, who is a man at out SI 

•** \ . - . .. - • ^ . . _ . * •*■:*• t- ;*•“»; n,_- „ . **;■ •*** * 

years of age. and of unusually good refutation sxdL standing there. 


r> - 

ia a conservative, reliable man. x, H. HEDGES states that he has known j 


ADDA BR0R2 since She was a little girl, and that on Saturday night* ! 
May El, 19E1 he g that is HEDGES and JOE MOGDIRE and 9. B. JOHSS |n<J|U. } 



south %ids of the Jones hotel at Ralston; that just as it was gs 


^ . -JV ^ ^ 


could reoognlsa a psraoa whom you Jcnsi fifteen or twenty 


^ *jAj* . • - 

feet away, a car passed them going ^dst; that said car paftaed close jMj^ 

~ ^ - ^r--- . -".r - -vr '*■ * — r — - . -r • . ~r. ' j-^-r 


I. F. Velas. 

WOT* 20-30 





* - i' 




y. -v " '7 
*-' v- s 


y •' a 7 *- 

M**. - 

•" ■ 

rtu-rb. And within ten or twelve feet of where these men were Sitting: 

r..W- -— - - ~~ ~ ••'•'• ‘ — ! 


.a * tt *t < 

that • . 'D*Or'* r ry T was in the front seat of 6aid oar, whioh was tour - 

ing ear, with the man who was driving. (This* puts AH-IA j 

the side of the oar toward where these men were fitting. ) . 

13. HE^QSS states further that AH HA B30WJJ oalled out g* fche 

-S*v.. .r. 

ps 8 s © d them, "Hello, Joe"] to JOB McGUIRE, and JOB MoGUIRB anewefel,^ 

"Hello, a:;:; rh”. . ... .. . 

ijw . .. ■".«& 

That ARBUS then asked tliere oould jget -aosiethiiig ■ 

■^*^<7 ■ ■ ■**,?< *f**a**v*-. 

il B. JOTCES told her at He SPADDEN * S Restaurant /whioh. is Just 



* -« ^ .■> -• 

feet west of whsre HEDGES and the other men were sitting, and 

•'•'••• ■ < ' / . ;•• -V. 

side of the street in the ewe block.) 

HEDGES states that the oar then drove on west anA twrned L^ppd 
stopped at the curt at McSpadden's restaurant. 

• , • > -u * > -g c 

. 4 ' -f * ' 

That before the oar left, T. 3. JOl’ES asked if it were ASHA. 3R07/H 

ta the ear, and JOB iioGUIRE said yes, and that another of the me: 
*' "... " . *--?y ,**»••¥- M - T, 4fe 

«&14 that tb. a»a ,«lt» *r *M BEBAN MJUffiABJ. .^s^k 



i . cV^' 

•v-r : "That xxarxg JO205S then started down to where the ear had 
hut before he got <juite to the ear, BHYAR BTT RlTffAlrt* , who had go: 

At*- J the restaurant , aame out with e package in his hand, got in the m£SL ex.- 

drove off, going west. 

i. •« •• ; -jL*. ^ 

i%- ■ ....: -A V’ 

HEDGES states that he has known ANHA BROWW well ever Sieoe she 
Was a little girl, and knows positively that it was she in th^Jjrg^gtbat 


7 r wc 

j nig hi* tut that hr did net know 3 EYAS 3 TREE ART very well, and we 

4-1^armtmak- ■ • -v;-. :.u -Av.,.7 jfe~. :*&M 

j .i^r^fimvely that it was BRBAH BT7RKEART with -7 /tfJHA'BBOIH ^ 

i hut that some of the men mentioned at the time that it was 33Yii 

- v- - ± 


313 h- 

With ARM broih. 

^ ■>' 

‘ o - 

1*. Y • Weiss 


•'■v ***£:: 

Bov. 8Q<-30 * . l*gJR^ȣ? 

-GES expressed his firm convict ion that it waB BHIAH BfT^^AR 

*ith * ABNA 3R0WB that night, and that BURKHART is the man whq^J^llej^ 
MKA 3R0W5 '■ and HEDGES condemned the BURKHARTS strongly. H23)G^ 

» ■ • • '•++% ~ , k -. ’ "v. - • ^ • ' •'V'- - 

suggested that we interview SD HAINEY , and reoommended 113 , .BAIN! 

being strictly reliable and 0. X» 

' t.wJrX* • r> .. _ 

W ttkT'Krvnr orJI VI 

”'*&'" interviewed SB RAINEY and his wife at Ralston, iw ere they lie e 

* ' - *” «.* . '• • - ''~iF "■+'2 * . 

- , y|' -• wv* ■; ™ 

first :, 3 . Hill- 2 Y claimed to have a tad memory; tut after a little prs^ 


1 Ittlna 

4 caVi 4 rue 

ias in that oar that night vita ^ JJVHA BB0VB% 

- i s'-' * : ♦*• :" r , * <* ' • -w«e. » 

13 , Hi. IKE Y then stated, in material eub etsnoe , vhatl 

*-■ ■-’** s ' ■ ' * * s ^ 1 v» * * L~‘ . svv. «■*.. . - 

all' right, and that he remembered the incident clearly, a e he an 
and others had talked about it a number of times, tut that hie reasoi 

for fa±±±xg feigning a poor memory at the beginning of the interview 

there , . s’* ■• 

that during the last month ±k*y have been two other men in the neigh 

borhood, claiming to be insurance men fa ut whom he •uspeetijil 

^.lng .omns^for HW^j^yjgJOT 

■****• ■ ■ ■ ■■■ •■:■ - i' s • •<-~ j 

^••e two oth|r pen had interviewed «od questioned 

about the PALES and the B 3 BANES . and had interviewed ROSE B0YlH“or i 
t<n, a nieoe of W. E. SilllH twioe ver^ aloeely duri^ tie jpast^nt^, 
*that these menol aimed to be insurariol^bsn from Kaneae City * ■ 

Agent * b surmise that these men are working in the interests . of the C sp 
tal Insurance Co. , re. the ^25, 000.00 policy in favor of f, J5« HALB 

yawirr ^ 4 ii»s ^lif e . ^ and the Denver offioe 11111 * 

$+ v. 

Said HdlNEY then stated that on the night In questi °n^f 

* ♦ "~y. ww ’^y “ : “ *j** 

U*J SI, 1921) he and I. s. HEDGES «nd ytffl McGUlRB’hnd FR^D IHBEMft a 



Whiteman - and T. B. JOKES were sitting on the tenches at th| 

■ whitA 

side of 

the Jones Hotel at Ralston; that Just at out dusk ANNA BROIB 

and fSnjjE BUR2EA.RT drove by in a car. going west; that AM SJ|Q.JH^g5 
waved her hand as they pas Bed, and said. "Eelio, Joe", and thalf^^Tjlo 
GUIRE answered, "Eello, Annie"; that AKEIE asked something about-* 

„ ■ 


place to eat, and ?. 1. JOHKS directed 'them to VcSpadden^ Be 

that the car then drove on west and turned in about at McSpadden , s Ras- 

4 - V> a* m 14 * 4 : 1 * 1 o t.* 1 » h* Hi TWIfT RM HflYiN U UP imiTM* nA 

W M VW fb AV V *v *4# *W« " “ ™ | UA A| ”■ ■** ” VAi A« ** UU > AAA » w 

of HoSpadden’s Restaurant with something in hie hand, and FRED 

♦ i. . - "i :+» ' ' "’’’N '"iiT/V. V*J : ' 

started down to the oar; that he, HAlHBY, however, does not kni 

-A/* *' *-*«■ 


^r* ■< • .; 
-ft, t:- «•-/ ■ 

ypJ?D reached the car in time to talk to BRYAN BURKHART' anT^ETTCj 

BROWK or not. Said HAINEY stateB that he has known ANNUS B20WB^^& 
well for twenty years or more, and had known BRYAL 37RHEART for several 
years before that time, and knows positively that it was BRYAB BURkEARI 

and * ABB IE BROTU in the ear that evening about 8 P.iir." 
passed within twelve or fourteen feet of where they were 
v ~ MR. HAIITEY also expressed his fins conviction that BHZAS 

• •••* **??**- • ;• a * Vi' ■ 

is the m an who murdered ABBA BR0YH . , that night « • 

HR. EAIHBY states that when the **r drove off, it ; ir oy 
In the direction of the Belford Bridge crossing. - ,r ’*Y 

interviewed BOB CARTER at Fairfax, Okla. , who is a taxi driv*r;fi£® 

••• fSSS, 

stated that he was such In May, 1921. (BOB CARTER is the man Hho trove 

• isanf.^y. ■ 

, isZi 

out to 

Grayhorse the morning of May El, 1981,i«xf 


»n el^fllona lly reliable maiT of fine reputatiom.t 

BOB- CARTER states that the FRED WHEELER who died in Fairfax,-**, v 

reported In Agt. Meakley'e report heretofore, was a big India** 

1 -.^ . . f -_f|ri • v-' . «' 

•'■ t' 



Hot # £0 - 30 , 198 3 

jf;-' . ■ ■ 

&>• -8- 

4 jp* ”4 

I ha INST, and MR. EEDG3S Btate that the FRED WHEELED who was sitting with I 

-A - ^ ^ ■ ■ • - „ •.. ^ ^ ‘7a-il£fei!S£j& ■ j 

^nem ™ the tenches at the Jones rotel the night of May 21st was a white 
“ Jl ■ v . - 'i i 

man^^Thie clears up the plain contradiction that FH3D WEEBLBR^a jpc-, 

ported "by some to be dead, and by Borne to be at ire, as It was undoubted- 

" *: • l! 

ly the Indian FRED TiHESLE?. that died, and that Agt. ’Aeahley reported j 

^as.deadl MATT WILL I Ail S of Pawhuska 1 b a oloae friend of ^ y aBKRJp^RIgR - i 
and states that FRED WHEELER was alive in August, 1923 and at that time | 
'J Has living at August 9., Kane. The PREP WHEEU3R wanted, the white man, is 
Tldl et *6f ptfox 8 character And moves f re <poe ntlyi "Age 

’ • 4 *. , 

1 "*'■ 

tha Postmaster at Augusta, Sans, in an effort to get 7REDWHEB- 

.7. - 

addrass , woi b&B MATT WIU'Tnf8 and several oth*ra lorHriff &1 

the same line. 

BOB CARTER stated further that the names of tha BURKHARTS* uncles 
Who were at Pair fax and GrayhorBe in Kay, 19£1 when the murder oocurred, 
t. BRIDGES and H. M. BRIDGES. ..*■&&. ?v£zz.r >.y. 

^ - : ? r V 

'“ r ■'*- 

BOB CARTSB States tlat said J. I. and H. M. BRIDGES were taxi dri- 

r '* ■ -' - • - 

May, 1981 at Fairfax, Okla. , and lived in Pairfax; tha 


•ere said to have come from Texas to Fairfax, Okie. , and . that 
•ft Fairfax sometime in 1921 and are now living at Campbell,' Tex. 
&1BL. CARTES etatee that he saw a letter from J. L. BRIDGES te 4 
garageman at Fairfax, just recently, and that the letter was postmarked 
at Campbell, Tex. MR. CARTER states at the BRIDGES are remembered 


well ty him for the reason that they came to Fairfax and entered the 

inees, making -very low fates; that after# taping in* 

neai*5§Sy months, they left Fairfax, owing a lot of unpaid billMS^ 

# information is important for the reason that it is the fire 
• . ■ • *• • y\it. - - 

nrormat i on we have had that the BRIDGES lived in Fairfax, so that it 

? — 11 'ji* 

h -t* r ' 

»t; nSw. ‘ 

■ li&SisL&fre 7 ‘ 

- p -«« i - c.wVa . — » y^i m3 

t . 


.- ., *L4®'; 

Hot •*£0-30 , . 198 3. 

Blows that it ie highly probable that if J. L. BRIDGES or the other 

BEBXJsl'was with 331 AT. BURKHART end A!TITA BROW in tlii eeryB^r 

•% '*"c ?, 


the two roadhouses near Burbank and drove into Fairfax that nil 


Vf. ' M tu 4 - 

3IT3KRAB7 dropped the BRIDGES man Out at hi8 home at Fairfax, ro* 

' *&*'•“ ■ • *v . ' i * iJi i*- 

that tine on until after the murder, was alone with AUHA BRQWJ^- a' 

it eleo explain* BRYAM BURKHAai'ftjjtatement to oo nf ident ial Aj^gyj aant, ... 

■ ~ ijwipcx"" w t ~ 

that he, BUREEART, was aeen by a .man living near Grayhorfce JudV about 

It will be remembered that BURKHART teentldne to' 

“■ * rv f &fi* T: * * " 1 • ’’°* r '**• - V • ’• - ,*j**<$ 

that BRIDGES was with BURKHART and AUK A BROSH . when the « 

tet end drove into Fairfax, but that BUPZHA22 did not me nt lOMf^Bfcj^: aaa 

BRIDGES when telling about the man seeing him, BURKHART, about j^ay light 

We now have MARTHA DOT'i, eaid to be living five miles W68’ 


miles south of Quay, 0>la. , who was known as jaRTH A UPRIGHT at 

erf the murder, and who wae living at that tlcoe with ERIi^S^J^ 



Grajhorse. who etatee that the BURKHARTS with AURA BROVR 



BRIDGES la ft BURKHARTS house at Gr^yhorB* Saturday, Hay * 
M. We aleo have JOS MoGUIRE of Jpawhoeka, Ok la. . I, 2U 

»'■< • ., j 

frt » 

HAlirRY Of Ralston and FRED WHE3IKR, a white nan, present' ad 

■ r • ' • * ~ v 

who at ate that tbeyoaw BRXAH BURKfiptf and ASHA BROW , 

Ralston about B P. 11. Saturday, May £1, 1921 

’■•r - £ 'V >i 

■t r 'f&r , -'Ao-is 

**': -l*’ 


And we have confidential informant, who etatea that BSyAH »REHAEI 

admitted to him -that he, BURKHART, had AHiib. BROD in Rais 

,t thi. 

tla£?1tili%ae with % ASIA 9309 $ u: *>;*hf . PAUL *QHB3 

- s ‘. —■ '•■■'' ^ '*>vr^5*® 

houses bear Burbank, between 1 and 1:30 A. !£• May S2, 1921^ tjf 


further to confidential informant that be, BURKHART, had AM- 


I > •PC ' <rsr' *rwr , i,v rrc.’^^' 1 V* ,e ^ ’^'Z^ 

- —*r -'r- » ^ >r r;v 

V fc - ■r" 

4 A 

■ M. - . .jr ' T .,1. -l 

■ . - y*+ LiAfrk*-* 

'<* *7- J 

T. p. Weie*. 


w***' ' ■ ,*» 

Hov. 20-30, 

"i ^ 

- 10 - 

*•; H\ 

In his /car and took her from said roadhouses to Fairfax, arriving at 


* — y v ^ .A *'S ’ m V ' f * ' V * 

r.irfaT at out 2 or 2 ; 30 AH that morning, and admitting further 

" 'AiV ■• 

dentia^^kformant that he, 3RYA1J BURKHART, did not get home until^tout 

A. w. - that morning. • '«• 

— - — * - 4 ^ ' -»■■-»• 9~ l ’i l r r '» ■ 

nd we have 133*030. JAiiES of Fairfax, Okla* who states that she 

d&v liffh 

*r - w — 

. -**?» „ Tf-fZX 

heard partita, evidently BRYAN BURKHART wd ABBA BROWN, v talking neaij 

* T*" *i r ^- ^ ► , • * :!*,► ^ % / *, t •* Tf. - ! '•: ■ 

* " : - . - *. . . ^ . 7 • ; 

<-s " v 

her house about £:30 A* M. the morning of the murder, and a few minutes 

. '■* •* # 

later aawJiflTM .BURKHART and AREA BROWN on . ANNA BROWN'S jporoh, 

3*2^ F+^-y 


2U*Ja**» _v-' -jet* ^a. A. -*i 

with the yor oh -light on, and a car xaoing soutSstanding In fro nlPlrf'^ 1 ! 
AJUl* BROWB^ houBe. We also have BRYAB BUSKHUtf*# sworn testimony at 
the inquest tha Vise delivered ABBA 8RDWH Safet^t© her home Saturday,^ 

!iay 21, 1981 between 4:30 and 5 p. &• , which would have teen before sun 

- r r ‘ VT' ‘ 

down, and that htv an UTTR'KVA'R'P swore further that he had not teen with 



her nor seen her at any time afterward. 

- •* '- • •■■: ,-v f • . ... -i"*. J 1 *•• 

* • * y- k % -or. •• *.*%,*-♦* #•. 


• BE OUH, Fairfax, Okls«, also states that he has recently 

seep a latter from J. 1. or H. M. BHID3KS» and that their address "1* 

Campbell. Jex* 





need a lot of time trying to locate by description the red-4 


headed, good looking, 140-pound, forty -year-old woman that informant 

** - * r • • - -- * » „ „ . v ■ ~_ 

, v ^ • 1 " y . jp- • • •» • - 

to, and which woman olalraeft to have bean in the ear • 



following BBYAE BURKHART and ASHA BURKHART and BRIPGRS the night of 


the murder, and also in trying to locate FR35D WHEELER, LEH liCO'iAE and 

— I- V 





. BRACKETT, who has been working iwie^ftir 

enoy, Agent learns that after PAUL JOHNS was arrested ‘for 

roadhouse in Ootober, 1921, he is Said to have left, and 


+ ~; 

: 4 :> rfc . 

t» -rf. 


.*■ a - •- % 

;/» ^ : 4 *. n. r 

- ^ 

7 — nee 

t*f * - ,. ? ' •**■■■■■:--» 

•■'” "' *- • VsT^Vva 

p- • J r-- 
A * T 

gone back to Viehita Full*, Jex* or near there; that PAUL JO 

- • '' ,; 7 ^ ' ' 

to !)• 4 married man and to have made hie former permanent homf 


♦ ^ . M 

near Wiohita Falls, Tex. 

. v • v: 

XJW . ‘ - • - - V.W 

On the £3d and £4th Agent was engaged with confidential i 

... . : .j- - 

in an effort to get informant's original notes and reports of 

i £ 

v* -a ' f 

5?ise f shich notes and reports informant states give the names 
jarsons Also in having informant to ascertain whs 


TmvTW ’ Af AD Tnrlrtni 


'r: * :+ V 

parasite of AKITB BRO¥H, Is the soman with shorn 
& as the woman who rode in the a &r following % 4he^BSYAlf B 

ABBA ’BROT'-BRIDOnS car the night of the murder. We are 8 til 
in this effort, as it will save a lot of guessing and running 

- t*- .i v ■ < 

*Vv . "1“ * **+ -■ 

deduc live leads. 

-r--A -Wr 

C? r iP.I 2 S^I 22 H 0 H:: I 5 J 33 SR: 


On Hovember 26th A^ent interriesed FRAHCIHAl* miBf 

$fP- : ^ r-^mm 

sXkfd freely. and told he rat story substantially as told ter,. 


finely reported by this agent regarding I0UIS QOPJBRFISIB a n3P 

” n2f ■ ?* ■ 

10WIS EOXOSBI. . . t , 

:MaUCIMS BURERTT, whom Agent now laarne ia.real^^^^ 

.'-sif - .y* x;-»! 

: * * • • * * \ -V. 

■" • *■** ^ «• _ w- . 

and ahose foster parents live ten miles north of Slk City, Obit 

A x. _ 4 1 ^ ^ J J /% J 4-V r, f 4- V a r 4 d, ci4- +Viri + ci vit?a na V> +.q 1 V ail n't f h ha w ollA 

V{tf AJt^ ClU.lA.t7U. n.»ei u biiC x ai c «/ wii& v ou 4 yuuo iiaw. * w«* *»«*. <• wv 

■■ . % ffW-y. 

oaSe mas about March of this year, at whioh time one DICK Id 
IP^j^^.^whuafca orook) earn# to her and o n tt owa 

■ 3ptV *• 

length on this subieot. 


tr \ ■ .4k f 

She states tiiat she told WALLACE the tame as she has told 

TrJrnap V 

■ Jfirr 

A-'^- •' 

l«gf ' 

1 K v. 

. , >- 

- - 

, • . « . a/. --tT 

■“■'■’ ' j;* 

t* 1* • Weiasi^;^ 

^ •• . . v ^ 

HOT. 20 -i 

tut thfet WALLACE tried to get her to tell a different story, and told 
her h|[..W ould pay her $500.00 to do bo. She claims to not he able tip' ^ 

re 0811’ fhftf WALLiCB wanted her to tell, tut said that aha would no 

H\ W-- . 

swear to anything tut the truth. Just ee she has ..told Agent , 

■ ' •- • ' *•- -*-v £• -j v . - ->^v ^ <•- - * • ■ H.-r ■• 

. PRAHCIHAS further stated that WALLACE and aha then arranged that 

A- » * - 


thsy would go to Hominy and she would got tOUIB'TOPI*R?IBEB up to 

-i: - • - • • 4 • : * 

RIDDLE'S houee with aHITA RIDDIZS ,* and she aril AMfi’RlDDIE would get 


* / 

... - . . _ * - 

^ ’>-■ •; ■ . tfWWMPWV I'LL 5> f^fc v>‘ 

AHHi RIDDLE would try to get LOUIS C0PPBH7ZELD to oonfesa to the 

#3a^fe?r:- . • .-• - ; :. '■ ijtigt «•• • V «-!*.. 

of - CEAHLlB WEl'TBBORfi* bo that DICK WALtACE 6oUld ‘lwar it Troa 

W •' ^ ^ ” "* 3^ ^ --0*' .> ^ „-** f . _- 4 W 5 

as hidden. She states hoe ever that this plan was ne Ter carried 

VsKa v '~.. '•:<>: - " 

PRAHCUUS reiterates that she 1s positive that ASM. RIDDLE was not 

• . ?. -• ■•■•:. .-. . • .-. =• -3 


_4» f Va />vf TrtUTQ rtATJTWO'BTC'TTl W>c* tt AwinV r. 4- Vet* Vn*-r»iaT V "’ 

pi VOUI1 V K W OklAJf V A UiO vao UA^iiS AJSJ OIU uurrjt:;r i n* lit/ «a« su uiAn a * aao x i:wuwo# 

In response to further questioning ty Agent, FRAKCIKAS stateB that 
ah* knows SD SNYDER, formerly guardian of LOUIS RIDDLE* AHHA RIDDLE 

« . . _ . * a 1. a A. .... a ■ a % %» 

t fiRYDBR litti 

10 t 


oa Bast **£a. 

that she has nsrtr disoueaed th is ca se with said 
d that she had nor ttlieft to BEtOKR tot a long t: 

ant Intimated that she lad' not tills 

- r ; .’ . . k '-•' - 

?H •■* ’a •!■*,, , 

and did not know him vary veil. 
m' Xnterrlawed ID SHTDER, 511 B- ttain, 

di. Bs«huska« vilis is an extra 

shresd white man of about fifty years of age, has lived in Osage Couhty 


i v. 


.. .. :** 

fdf years, and was formerly a tig oattlsman, running as high as fifteen 

te*' -^4^. 

en th ouaand head of cattle at one time. 


A , "-. J ■ • 

■'T— ^ 

t'her right nar.e ia DELLA YOUEG; that her home is ten miles' 

Oity, Qkla* , whers herfoStexDareutjr»»id*: that 

-\ - . »*■»*** -t' 

li'l’ .iU.:i.''. — 

$ 8 *' 

t V 

e ,.\ 

: ; >S 



'■ y*ty 


ryY ... 

» v 

jS* *V 


■^5 ^ 


r ■_ 

• ( 

ft-;- >: -- Weiss. 

Hov. £0-50, 1923. 

•.*• •. • »> k 


the divorced wife of !,3. 0I1ESRS0H, County Attorney at Sayre, Okla, 

irn>E?. stated to l^-ent that he has seen and talked to 

a ~. ' n ,.?* ft:*. 

threa^wiTfbur tiroes recently, tut on another matter. That 

f^V’> ■•• : , *0 

told him of teing called about a week ago EHAS Room £07, wor 

: Y *•> •/ .* •’ ■•■"• *■■■■ r - ■■ ?■•• ’ ' * Y. ' ** " ' *• 

a. V ■'•' r^r'i r ~ i 


pawhuska fwhere Agent makes headquarters at pawhuska with JOHH MORAH.) 


HR, 3HYDSR stated further that he never at anw time discussed this 
WEI 2SE0R5 . murder with PRAHCINAS, but that he was very glad to fell 
Agent all that he, SUYDER, knows about the facts, as he learned then 
from ArfHA RIDDLE. KB. 5HYDBR then related as follow*: 

' r . ^ f - 1 ' -• * * 

w. -That about two year* ago he was the guardian for LOrflE RIDDLE. who 

1* a half-blood osa^e Indian, and a half-brother to ASHA RIDDLE; that 

• * 

ASHA RIDDIZ was then fifteen year* of age, and living at Hominy, Okla. 


That about two years ago LOUIS RIDDLE and wife and A5RA RIDDLE, 
the latter ear rying a little black Indian bafcy, all oame together t* 

SHTDES’S house in pawhoeka; that MRS. LOUIS RID DIB . now dead, then told 

SHYBSR that ASHA R1DDIS wanted help. 

• H.-'t'TL, ' - J-.W 

. Vy ** A’ 'ill ■ * • 

" That AJJiiA RIDDLE then explained that her little baby was a ohll* ] 
by 1BAJK OOPPSRPrSU) {a fall-blood Osage Indian, brother to LOUIE CCf- H 
PBRRIBLD) and that she and PRASE GOPPERFIBLD had teen living together 

as man and wife until PRASE bad died; that PRASE’S estate iia* wa#ii la- 

herited or would be by hie mother and brother, LOUIS COPPERPIEO, and 
that they refused to let her, ASHA, or the baby *hare the estate. 

I hrT SHT5RR -etates that ASHA RIDDLE then related that LOUIS COPPER" 
I PnuJMff^Miled •' ' OEARLIS WBimcKE. . ant atattd. that «ha 

ei OEARLIS TEimoRl. 

ant attfe^Llhat «h* 

•• ' *»/ * 

beoatne about a week before WRITH’ORH’S body was found neaf 


•he **w L0U13 C0PP5EPISLD at ^ominy, Okla., wher* he lived j^ktbe 

.• f V- A if ^ , ^ *.i m r c^l. -IW % 

• time 

?— 11W 

« i* 


rJ n rV-rf ~» 

r- 5 s^ ■ 

c . 

T . y . ye is 8 


.’A J.'Ar, 

.-. w,> „ 

* ^>. T 1itr'->v ■ 


. ; t ■>. - e \ . A 

with his folks, and that that afternoon LOUIS had told her he waft going 
to pawfiuska to get some whiskey, and she eaw him leave parhuaka^ 1&* zz 
^crr.lny,' - • ... * ' .:- -...-•- . • 

r. ■* 

r “?hat aUUA stated further that LOUIS C0PffiR7IST2>*S mother 

• *• ‘ . 

bout a block from the RIDDLE home in Hominy at the time, and that that 
Same night, about midnight or after, ehe, iflSi. heard a Borea*£ljiMvlffi3 

~ . 7 *- . . • " * ••'• '•' • '-rrwpR 1 ••- 

^■Dpi^pvTvTj) ceme over and pot her, AFSX , to go to th# C0P13SB7IBMD homo , 
where LOUIS nnPURurTyra was lying drunk in the front yard: that''tfg8 f .-y 
COPPERPISLD told her that LOUIS had teen brought home drunk 

other persons; that AUUA and MRS. COPPBRFIK1® helped LOUIS v lntP 

house, ana she, AUUA , saw that LOUIS had blood on hi*; that LOUIS kept 

. if? 

saying he felt worse that he had ever felt in hie life, because toe toed 

killed hie test friend, CHARLIE HEIUSEORN, in a fight OTer 
whiskey; that LOUIS stated that he had killed CHARLIE aocii 
in a fight. . - ■ •■?• • 

-**** ■ 

st ffr-.- 

MR. SKUDEE atated further that AURA. etated further that ehe . c< 

i- -v -h 

never told anyone about this , although the officers had q.ue8ti.pne4 

tut that she *whi thought that LOUIS and hie mother ought to : le* jh*|M? 
and her taty have the FRAHE COPHSRPIBI® eetate (worth al ° Ut - 
besides the land) and that ehe to help 

UiPZP states that AHIA was then visiting her Bald half-brother. 

* * 

-*r * ^ 3 +*- _ 

LOUIS PILULE, and SUYDER told the RIDDLES he would be out to eee jbhem 

the next day. 

^ShrEKR stated further that he 

^LVir *vje 

w "wv 
* • - 

"SifrDRR stated further that he when oo neult et Aa~ H* ;|f|PS 

r.ey-at par bus k&, and tela WIPDO^S what AF”A EIDPLE had Bald; 

next day he and WIDDOHS drove to the LOUIS- RIDDLS home, and 

■ ; Vi## 


Sr i;' **. v ' 

Sr o ■ v V v^iC' TV5: K ■ . 



__ VAU .A 

7 . „ w- 

*t 4 m - 

* * 




l^4»— -1 **• .4 ” • X«^A< rl . 1 1 “ - 


'v -;- 


w*f*r - ’ * i 


p. ?. t»i*B. 


Sot. £0-30. 1S£3, 


/ -r ■-. 

s - - -* •- . ’ .-* . ., w J 

repeated, what she had told UR. SliYDER stout the T&’EI'EHOSE' inuraer, 

£ -••—■■■ -*t m*"r+ ^ 

except that she did not mention that tOUIS COPTERFIELD had a a i* that it j 

"^Tnvrn^n who he had killed. UR. SHTEER sta 


I > 


, • ?i&-. --£?.. 

neither AKSA RIDDLE nor her nor anyone else mentioned that 'it'Tftil'Y 

•. 2 


4- auvnwtl stof.. fim t f V. in 

QXS x X J r - ' T 0 va vuu ¥*.i» w w*iv »vw w 

+ rtnnfflr»r\Ai 

WIDD0WS and the RIDDLES was that an agreement was entered Into 

;*ffee*jfch»t they, sbyder and widdqis, iTl fl^ : 

TIEUJ aetata for AREA RIDDLE and her haty ty having LOUIS COP 


get hie Bother to agree, and that this would he done hy 

COPPER? IELDS under pressure of what AREA RIDDLE knew 
garding the murder of CHARLIE iKIlEEORE. 

^ .A w ' ; *■' " 


ED SITYDEP; atcxtes that fcy th# agreement he and 7IDD0WS %ere TO g*t ^ 
fifty percent of what they succeeded in getting from the COPPERPIELDS. 

wrT 5 C V t^TSTTPS 

iiiAA • iJA* AMCaTl 

+ c, + od ti at purses nt to t his sereem All 1 1 


th. ISAM Juag* *t. pa.ha.4. 

oontraet. ae ASKA RIDDLE was the n 5 pt fifteen years 
prohate Judge, according to #>at VISD0V3 eaid, would toot 
J fifty percent fee; that later another PrOk ate Judge named jq;S 


: -TV. : 

?:•' V, 


• Vr - • ; - v V 5 l , v ;•* . i V" m-' 

is etill Protate judge .at Paw hooka, attOoeeded to the o 


Judge JUSTICE did approve the fifty peroent fee oontract. 

KR . SKYPER was careful to etate that neither of Said. Judge a w a s 

or 7,’IDDD.YS of the information ALLA RIDDLE ha^.agains 

mi w u i#w <4 (m9K£l2tf : 

informed ty SPY 

ripp «Hyjy i.n- ana m av ourrnutr f jLP had killed 

MR, srYDLl-: Stated further that IS. I'lDLC'JS planned to' prf f the 

j prolate of PRAEE C0P?ERFI3LD'3 estate in the ^5#' 

% ■ 

” •-./ 

- M- 

f . 

> _ '.. - —J'-v ^,- 





■' f. F.'fc 

•v - ' 

HOT. 20 - 30 , 1923 . 



.. > ^ 
/ L ^ 4 


- 16 - 

» i - . . 

:.. .r 

settlement "Out of LOUIS COPPBHFIELD In the murder trial to foroe the 
COPPB*]CBl©S to a settlement. 

MB^diTEDER stated that ANSI'S hah y died shortly there aft erf at 


- » Mr4*-'T*+ •* 


he does not tellers any papers sere ever filed in the ease in court ty 

4 ‘ ^ * 

WEDD0W3. Vfhe real fhot is that AIM BODLS at that time had a lawful 
living huJSand named SILVERS AIL at Hominy, and therefore eould not have 

’■u ■*'■+* 



* «■ ..• • 
rfc c 

fcU 1 


► oontrwt with mra> COPIKHPUBU), 

; ;tfe h.* • - - 

In answer to questions by Agent, HR. SJrxHBB stated that neither 
nor MR. ^I^^OWS had ever oomauni cated any of the eTldenoe or informa- j 
tion re gar ling the WHITEHORH murder to any off ioer or offiolal at j 
pawbueka, and in fait have not ooamunioated it to anyone until he, ! 

*r‘ . - ■• I 

SHUSH, 'tsii HAHVE 7BSSSB about it a long time later, I 

Tl»t HARVE FREESE was telliz$ him, SHYIBR, that he, TREE SB, was i 
oonvlxwed that HATTIE WHITES ORB had killed CHARLIE WIOEHORB and 

go) fend HICK WALLACE to Arkansas City on the #ase; that FREESE 

a t 10, 000. 00 reward for the eonvlotlon of the murderer 

CHARLJt WHItnORV. •* .^.vT 

States that he then toU UR, TREES* thft HATTIE WHITE- 

**■ «* p»Wt«» .-. W W* wn wmnt., 

SITDER, told FREESE what ANNA BIEDUJ had told him, SNYIKR; that TREESE 
than re marked that he would have HICK WALIACE work with him and brought 




r< l i W 

T * ’ V« 

HICK, WALLACE down to SHYIBR'S home where SNTDER again told the Story to 

ml . - 

and HICK WAILAC1. - 

CK WALLACE stated that he knew a woman. FRAHCIHAS , \Whn ooulc 
LOUIS COP? ERF IE LD by getting him trunk, and that me 


,a*rv~jL • 

rWi r* 

•'a ... 

'v .•* ; • 

4,< e AV>> f MWV 

PWg B CTgg 



I. wales 

Hot. £0-30, 19£S, 

^jv v ',. 7*5 *V<fcV ^ 

WALLACE ni h* im gwixg said he was going to give FRABCIIAS a'^theas- 
and declare of the reward to do this. ‘ ^^7?^ 

_ ED SNYIER states that he is now under tend at Sayre, Oklaj p^jfe urg 
wi th e ons p ir ac y , together with a Jitney driver named SMITH frew^3@rtWt 
Tille , to defraud FRANZ R IDDLE and wife, LEONA RIDDLE, out of ft, 500, 00 
and that he, 8NYDKH, has become well acquainted with KiASC HAS HURlitTT 

because of this last named ease* 

*■ - W » *>V- *' V * <??'#'■ 

professed to bar# a Tory poor mtmory 
to get hr. WIDDOWS to relate the faets, in thf tease, 

DOWS that MR, SNYDER had already related them to Agent, tut stll l MR . " 
WIDDOTS professed to not he able to remember the fhote, 

Finally, Agent related the facts as MR, SUTLER has related ram to 

Agent, and UR. WIDDOVS stated that that mas a oorreet statement, 
re members It. and MR. WIDDOVS stated that AfilA had said that L0UX8 COFt 

jHLD toU her i» had hilled QEARLES W&ITEHOBW at Fawhnehi 
MR. WIDDOWS also stated that the facts as related hw SUliliS’ 
all aorreot in hla, WIDDOWS* ep inion, mot only regarding the marl 

' ^ ' 

but regarding the fifty peroent oontraot, and the faot that they A1 
planned* %&?• oroe the COPPEBFIBIW into a settlement V heUls# 
denot that anna RIDDLE had against LOUIS COPPEHPIBED orer their^aade. 

MR. WIDDOWS stated that he has in faot filed a petition An re v the 
estate of FRABX COPHSRPIBLD, deceased, ashing that the estatej^^p^r 1 
vrei^lo%nri riddle and her baby, as the eoamon law wife and 

FP®FIJXD. EH. WIDDOVS states that the estate Is no 

^ ***- <v 

ir p- WIDDOWS also stated that he has learned that 

t i * , r 


'(< vV 

. * vr- 

' - 

lawful husband named SILVERNAIL living at Hominy at the time. 

' '* 7 • ;r <^B •“•»■.,. - - ' - ■ .t ■ - ' ‘TV ’ ' '-- • T "" T v, 

Jffi. HID DOW 3 made a very significant remark as follows: "I don't. ^ 

J . JP 

remenSber these faots as to the murder very elearly. if I were prose?< 

■ i -frW 



outing, of bourse I would remember them| but to to perfectly frank 
you, our interests were to use ABBA KIDDLE 1 3 knowledge to get a settle- 

m , :J a 

• V&- 

’ I * ; 

sent out of the COPPSay IE LBS. I asked her if ehe“ would confront 

C (PPERPIELD and his Bother with the statement she had made to us re. 

this murder. and she stated that she 

Mill v v& ki ... arJ^^y 

the C0PPBHFIEED3 this.® 

told her to te 

- **u- 

Agent also asked UR, WIDDOfS If he had communicated this evite 

Ttr , m 

regarding LOUIS COPPEREIELD having Murdered CHARLIE WHI5KH0RH to haj 
Of the officers or offiolals of ths eounty or the state whose duty it *M 
Was to proseeute the murderer, and MR, WIDDOfS stated that he had notJ^ 
hr, WIDDOfS was plainly rery much on guard, and did not rolunteer any^lfj 
Information whatever , and it was with great difficulty that Agent Be- j 

k'V - IW* - 

‘U, h.-A .-v^- 

* x ^ • • /.He- 

t ' - f'f 

■Shr ed eay statement direct from MR, WEDD0W3. ■ Tt rht ras r^- m- — ■> 

'>•■. Agent also asked MR. ffIDDOWa ehether .Ms Believed tlmtAERABlIDl 

" " * — — * r ■— i ' »*• - ,- . • ■»-».''• * ’ • •• — * ^e i 1 --« , >. 

lifiptelling )he truth about LOUIS OOPPSRJXELE being tr«k end bloody 
faying that he had killed CHARLIE WHDTEHORV, his bsst friend, at 

PecffhuSka that night, and HR. WID10VS stated that no aid , ana does so- 
tlere she was telling the truth. 

(Agent Is still rather of the opinion that ASIA RIDDLE told ths 

' m i 

truth when she said that PRAHCIKAS BURDBTT and ED SET ERR and her slster- 



continue. It ie hard to place any oonfldenoe whatever in ED SFYDER or 
A. H. WIDDOfS , for the reason that lf. Ahey mere wnprizxolpled enough ts 

.... . .. . . -JC 'J-.jrA.'ga 

were unprincipled enough te, ; 

f— lue 


. f> 



L " (j 


Hot# 80-30 , 1983. 

’’- . r * 1 ^ ■ ^ ' 

• # "-* ■~v-*’ r '.. - ; vr 4 **v* c ■'*• • •' • | 

do vfc&i th#y admitted to Agent they had planned to do, that la t suppress* 

**► I 

the evidence of this murder and blackmail the COPPERPIEEDS out of * T*l-| 

uable~eitate, they oertainly would" be also unprincipled enough^to %rame 

- ■ - -:• * • ' -^* v - •■ ^>^» aq a sEra p«-- ' •-./ 

the Thole ABBA BIDDER story.) ,\. ...„ 


- .y* - '•■•.*• — ■) ij ^. ^ V" 

It will also he noted that there la a great and material contra- 

V'-*v -• ■ • • ■&&; 

aiotlon in the atories hy KD SHYDER , AHHA RIDDLE and MCIUS BURBBM. 

. r ~ "L* .j-flf ->,i 

KD SBYDKR states that ARM RIDDIE'S story TaB that l,t Tas MBS* COP-i 

t / .-•Jit' -A,* V&J >4 

S® w»® failed her that nighty and that iftf50I5i3 g jaaf ffg^aeTia^ 

A - 

mentioned until about a year ego# and that he, 8 RYDER, never 'lai 
information that traHGIILAS BURDETT knew anything personally atT all about? 
the murder or Tas present Then LOUIS COPPKRPIBED was drunk that night. 
FRABCIBAS BURKETT'S etory is that 10DI8 COPPERFIEED Tae found drunk 

. ,»• '*e V 

ty her in her yard, and that neither ASHA HIDDIS nor any other person 
Tae present with her at the time that night. I 

ABBA RUBLE'S etory ie that LOUIS COPFERFIKLB «U drunk in FRAl6l- J 

■' v>s* 

HAS* yard and FRABCIBAS tailed he**.. ABBA RIDDLE. otfff^imd f&e^J^gette* 


HAS* yard and FRABCIHAS tailed It*. , AJHA RIDDLE. otfr^and ttiey^gelheJ 

• ^ ^ -f V 1 v' : 

got COPISRFIEED into FRAIOIHAS' house, out that LOUIS D3PP2EF1S1S wl 

not have any blood on him, and did not eey anything about a fign dr 

vaiiaS #r*an# ani tha Ritmix tfirl at&tea further that the first 

<*■*-• fc. 

she heard about LOUIS C0PPKRFI8ED making such Remark a 


that night was when FRABCIHAS Iep8i i £ $ to her, ABBA RIDDLE, that they 
frame on LOUIS GOPPERFIELD and thus force the COPPERPISLZS to nettle 

with AlHA &IKDK# and ABBA HIDDIZ was to then pay FRABCIHAS. *«~**--. 
^ISm beat guess at thia time^le fhet HUHoBtt'S' VUSSSTf MFgggfcm 

planned the frame-up on LOUIS COPPERFIBLD, and then got ABBA RIDDLE and 

A. VLDD0T3 xn on u«u . jnuworvx , mu 

InTeetigatloa Till eontlnue. ^ 

BUI » Dug'll 

A AVa 


i «•*' 

fcs* t«- 



■i A. 

Mot* Slat and 22d Agent arranged a 1th JO HA ttHITEHORN, 

,';<rV J* 

HENRY BOH* and WILEY HAYSES, old Indian qffloer at Hominy, 
JOHN WHITES OR f will try to get the fall fSoiefrom MAMIE El 8 

f*6tt MAMIE EOT 

ahat she knows stout the HENRY ROAI . . »urdej>^' 4 ''* " 

i j " 

JOHN WHITEHORB and MAMIE ? LETCHER are both full -fc loo* 08*1 


he la reliably reported to be a reliable. Intelligent Indian, and te 



i.” "* '■<•«' 

“ w; ^V ** • «’• ^ 


\ 14 T 

9* j 

It) <e 

t j#r- 




^,v' ' 


*>* :■ -m j 

i’y.. . 





. j 

r i 

- in 

^ T ^Air | 

Jc 1 "- ^ 





* iS#- 

'* i zrx 

S. F. Weiss 

i i •■■*»► -r> 

• ‘ ~t :4 =**W ' -: •• 





'■£«■■ V w a- vS^r-lS'^ 

: -• vTf 

*ov. 80-30, 19£3. 

->*y- yafriftfe 


•ES , and that said COTS wants to eee the Government Agent, to 

give Kim some information re. the SMITH murder* 

)&• WALTER JDHS30Y states that the subetanoe of what COOS 

regarding the murder was that COLS stated that JOHN BROOKSHIRE, the 

then husband of BETTES BROOKSHIRE, who was hilled, now lives at Bartle 

▼Ills, and that salt JOHH BROOKSHIRE naS alwayB teen a very poor man 7* 

but shortly after the said murder appeared with a brand new ear at 


+ ..7 J 


fiA.-i • i - 

< S' ' " 

T— ».'» *" 

** ' v* ‘ 

4. ^ . v 




■y: i \ r~ 

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.1 . «: ' 

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• >i. '♦ 

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’ j : l *_. <> -» if«i '. - aii ' 

v • \ 

'■ ■; • * 


>Xt_ •/ 


Deoember 13, 1925* 

■- & v 

, v vm < 

' ■>. . - 

; '* jp » ^ Ct ’- * 
*» • * . 

-.. » i- 

, ; 

!« 0* W nd lay* a- 

■ - : ^vi 

•18 r.,4t 

■* »* ** W 

City. OkU.;^; 

** 5 . > <- • • .< • 

\r-i, / •■■ ■■■■-<.' 

.* . .. ■!'•_ r -. / , K f % Citfe «&. 3 £» 


2 S%* 

v 7 -al 

i- ! ' ' / .' „ ■ • 

« to. 7 . ; .’/further with regard mo* the invest i- 

• tv:- : x- v — 

Satina. of murders ,of Osage Indians, I desire 


• V ;' r ^*. SP "4 

:•:"= i’.v/:'.-* 

f^vV^tUas’^oh forward to Attorney GancraX Short 

_ „ v. ■ ‘. V ■ 

•- ♦ 



>.« 2 * 

'M.* k 1#| 

: ”-'-e 

>^ o r. the' Stats of Qlclahooa, a copy of aacl* ra« 

■'•' por t mado, as, it was upon the recn^st of air* 

'-. . v < ■ ' - . s ^.' '■’* -:••• •■ 

t38£2S'* : ■ "*•• . 

Short that this investigation was instituted 

* v^**? r- , '.«, . -'• 

y- *?»•:■* . 

* A - • • ' » 

ism±<;r . 

^.1 J 



. ,v »ith a view to assi sting the atHto in the matter 

m i- '"■'•• 

aLjMBB ^'fe^% x 4 f appointment of guardians for Indian rorde, 

j 3 ylB Kaj Sj SSate r- ■’.’ir ■ 

7 ^ • w 5 Sr ~..’ •*«* A •.’ . 

> s# 

; i-'- v 

■ ■ 


. f H * 

.. •; * * ,ir . •*{*♦•'•■• 
.jfle'.’ ' lf •'■'-•' : - .^iA2'‘V 

•?? ^ 

^ onwhioh matter the whole as ie sriurdors have 
• ;/ . •:,:■ 

■>?$&* • h^a eh* important offeot* 

® t’d' “ ,.J ' ’ ' ! , Tery tyuly yours. 


4aJSf^- ';■•,• , 

<5 4^.:.‘V '• ' 

<7 h -y ■’ 

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" «•*! ‘ '"‘T "•- ’* a 

December 13, v 

w^- ‘S' 

*■:. : ■?'•■■■'. *1' ' a* 'I|~n&wc' ;•**;. .<*.«. 

2 tl 

OTabla C 2 ia rl oa H. Bark a J ' v " ■ i .*■ ..i^rr ’. : . ■ : -&#» 

BgJ^^^^eTota^Mv t|«A on o r of Indian' -Affairs, *./.*' v >•'/'; 

WWB^S^ i^rtaMrit of tfca Interior, ; : : nr 

l,'% | 


3,- C, '• ^\. : 

-t . c ,■*■**. ’ ■ •* ;'. <• <■', 

. '.•• 1 , _ J • . V# ’ '-i 1 ^ • j ., 

/ ■ '•■ < • .» ..-. 


doar ^lr; ;• ^ , S- 

'• * ?Ur*I:ar with ragard to the oairder 
Indians in Oiclahona, i m anoloeing 

^P*. -.^^Ixaraw'ith. copy of the Jraport of Zgoht V;©ias 

'' » -. - ■/.•-■ - •'-■• - 

'■’ ov -OJclahoioa City office, 4a tod Uovoruber 

i^*^*r' , 4 * : ." ''-^Oti,''' 1933 # for* year inf oriiatioa. 

5®vW ' 


5 if 

v 'r -i 4 ’ , c*?:K •■ ;.«« 


L • »•- / A > A 

~ - 'V . H - v 



6. ' aT '• 

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•• . r ■ ’ 

Very truly -your a. 

74 J 


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j t:^EAU Of INVt^TiGATwfi j . .., 

I DEC/; 4 1923 A^i 

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1 .4 


Separtumit iif Justify 

^ \ 

• * 



T ••:. : r ^v *' ' 

Bureau of JauratigatUm. 
Oklahoma City, Okla., 


r , .... .«.V ••"> £. > 

19 2 3. 

ureau of investigation, 
of Justice , * ,m 

gton, D„ C. ,■ ' # * ^ 

(BILL) SUITE, et als. 
Murdered Osage Indians. 

•• .sr • •**•* 
. : J 

ME. EOOVEE - 2. 

■-■ - V • 

' i.. • • ’• jj s- v, #$* '._ 

.I'/* -*...„ * 

..- * v> ' **■ 

• l f- • ■» 

\ • 

’ijt : ^ > 

C on IJBI 5 Iirt. 

*■ ■■ '■ J 1 L x - ~ JJ1 ' ■ ■ u - ,l - UJ - r -- - ^ #‘x. V 

: \; 'V 

V%* ••■ 

to-' your letter dated Dec. 13, J.^23, TOG : AS , 62-5033. 
•this' office to forward to 'Attorney General Short 
'State of Oklahoma a copy of each report made ty the *■ 
in this investigation. 



! %3f ^r* 11 


teg to state that reports were furnished to Mr. Short up un- 

the time tl&t ~gent 7/eakley left here, and Mr. Weiss dis- ' 
continued working for the State Attorney General. Since that 
£> time, the reports have not teen forwarded to date. _ 

rT * fc «f\ ‘ * y 

1h~** V < i\t . ***'' 

re/are several reasons why it was deenied^adv isafc le to send 

Reports periodically to Mr. Short j First, Mr. Short sta-/,. .„**.*,. .. 

iST ted that he was very tusy and that he would prefer that the ; : 

^investigation proceed as we saw fit until some one or more of 
the investigations was completed, and that when the United 


States Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma was sa- .J,;, 
tisfied that we had a case ready for prosecution, that he would 

**•- • 



at that time assign an Assistant Attorney General to prose- 
cute the case. 

;,<V >v . 






Second, as stated above, Mr. Short has been very "busy , axiU as 
yoxrWil known from press dispatches and otherwise, the Gov- 
ernor of tie state has undergone impeachment proceedings, and 
Bias he en ousted from office, and I might 3tate also that the 



3>rtfught against him at any time /by the Legislative 3oard^|j 
^3/4 riXithf 1 1 ,- . y — ^ ... . 




& -T 

K 'M< 

rney General is also under- investigation und charges may 


it 5<a*'‘ 

,sfr .1< : ' 


CiEi iii* 

L UTFU C!3'«S£ 

-£"o 3 - B 


BOfttAb OF !«¥.*T:'A'>‘k».‘{ ,f 

UtC 2 2 )’!»23 A, V: 

f j iit ( i 6 ( « >J A I 4\, A 



~ ~ ' T‘*3^-aS^'« r ' jl/"- 



' «*-•. ; ’•* %**:> > 

' 7..»^ 755F/r' •* 

'• 4 ' : k! . - *0 

®i 4 Sea 


f:- : -„.'J; .T 

rs-H'* ' ■ h£?h 



p, ^; wo^* r 

- 2 - 

*S , 

. -c 

^P&fShValao state without going into details that info rwatloa 

'in reports immediately gets into the ?% 

B *ed and unscrupulous persons, and it is my opinion v.'-^r^. 

a exceedingly important and very advisable that re- • . ,h- 

nibt furnished until such time as we feel that th 
elope^ warrant an arrest being made. , v " • • 

abdve' explanation, would request that you 
whether or not you concur in my belief in this mat--^|^^^ 
^\€#ip..;or. desire-, th^t 1 transmit tne reports immediately. $0* 


:l ; £ 

f i ! 


i V, 

* j . :■■ 
.? •••;.•*><*. 

.-- -h 

* ^ 

. I •» ; 

'.h*- ,.♦' 

Sr. ’ ti 

S%» 3 S 

Very truly yours f 




,• • *$r • : ..V ■ • • / ■ 

.1 - . ■■■ ,fc- 

- "*,*» * -* 1 » \ 

j.' 1 *T» •' ' J, 

, ^. : l; 

.< ? • 

A ,A 

k#*f wi#'/ 

Special Agent in Charge. 

* *■ ; 4 : t 

l. t.-r, 

- ' •■ 

"' ' • Q'&W$- r 

r-i -'"ip# 

. • >. -i. V ?»'•. 

• . . •. lit*., 

*$5 ^' 

.W' ^ •> 

, -’ u. 5%^# 

y * • • ijL- 

# v ' : 4 ^’ 

p#- ,. 

P-v ■ j -'. • 

WJ&MZy* Z<-~" ' 


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